If you’re a Homeowner with roof top solar panels, you’ll want to make the most of the electricity they produce. The best way to reduce electricity costs and to increase […]
Solar Hot Water System: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a Homeowner with roof top solar panels, you’ll want to make the most of the electricity they produce. The best way to reduce electricity costs and to increase […]
This article has since been updated for 2019. Click here to see the updated version. Since 2015 Australians have been talking about home battery storage being on the cusp of […]
For several years now, home solar battery storage has been a hot topic in Australia, and 2019 looks set to be the best year yet for batteries. If you’re actively […]
If you’re connected to the grid and own your home, you pay for electricity. In most places, in Australia, there are basically two types of tariffs: Flat rate tariffs (aka ‘peak […]
I’ve now had two energy monitoring systems fully functioning for a few weeks, and it’s fascinating to see what my 4.4kWh solar system is capable of. It’s also interesting to […]
I never thought I’d find myself chasing up with my electricity company to ask for an electricity bill, but two weeks ago that’s exactly what I was doing. I’d been […]
You are a solar PV system owner who is now considering adding battery storage. The options you have depend on a number of factors, and there are a range of […]
Each household uses different amounts of electricity in different patterns throughout the day. Some consumption patterns are more conducive to battery storage as an investment, and knowing your consumption habits […]
If you hear the words ‘Demand Tariffs’ and start scratching your head, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll examine what demand tariffs are and how to deal […]
Not to be outdone, Tesla has leaped ahead of its competitors with the launch of the next generation of its home battery bank. At 13.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh), the Tesla Powerwall […]
We know that the tilt and orientation of your solar panels can make a difference when it comes to solar PV system energy yields, but what impact do these factors have […]
There are a lot of different ways to potentially get value out of a home battery storage system. Something that not many storage system shoppers realises is that it is possible to charge/discharge […]
If you are in a grid-connected home and want to get batteries for your rooftop solar system, you’re probably wondering how much capacity to have installed. Although the ultimate answer […]
A new report by the CSIRO has flagged the importance of engaging consumers in the transformation of Australia’s electricity market – a shift to distributed energy that is largely being […]
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA), the state government body that regulates electricity prices, recently released a draft determination indicating that electricity rates will be allowed to rise by as much […]