Residential Solar PV Price Index – March 2017

Average residential solar PV system prices in Australia crept down to $1.58 per watt ($1.58/W) from $1.60 in February, according to data from Solar Choice’s installer network database. Although so […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – February 2017

Despite the decrease in the incentive available under the federal Renewable Energy Target that came in effect from last month, average solar PV system prices have moved little, according to our data. Although […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – November 2016

Average solar PV system prices for Australia’s capital cities changed little between October and November of 2016, according to data from Solar Choice’s installer network database. Currently, the average price […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – October 2016

Average solar system prices for Australia’s capital cities rose slightly (to $1.63/W) between September and October. Price increases were seen primarily among smaller systems (1.5kW – 5kW) in a handful […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – June 2016

Average solar PV system installation prices in Australia’s capital cities increased very slightly between May and June to approach $1.68 per watt. With the exception of 10kW systems, prices were […]

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Residential solar PV price index – April 2016

Average solar PV system prices dropped slightly between March and April of 2016, following a downward trend that started in February. Based on data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, […]

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Residential solar PV price index – February 2016

Average solar PV system installation prices for Australia have risen for the 2rd month running, according to data from Solar Choice’s installer network database. The average price per watt for […]

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Residential solar PV price index – January 2016

After about 5 months of  steady declines since about August of 2015, the average price of solar PV system prices rose slightly (approximately 5c/W) between December of 2015 and January of […]

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Residential solar PV price index – September 2015

Solar system prices fell on average between August and September, but there was significant variation between cities, especially among the smaller system sizes (1.5kW and 2kW). The rise in average […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: August 2015

Average solar system prices rose for most system sizes in Sydney and Tasmania between July and August, while dropping or staying flat for all other cities and system sizes. The […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: July 2015

The average solar PV system price nationally continues to sit at about $1.85 per watt for the third month in a row, with prices for specific system sizes also remaining […]

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Solar PV system prices in Darwin, NT

According to the APVI‘s solar map, only about 6% of homes in Darwin have solar panels – despite the fact that the city is home to some of the highest solar irradiation rates […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: June 2015

Average residential solar PV system prices remain largely unchanged between May and June 2015, hovering around $1.86/W nationally. What appears as price rises in Melbourne were actually due mainly to a […]

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