Bosch Solar Inverters and Batteries: An Independent Review by Solar Choice

Bosch headquarters in Silicon Valley

Bosch is a German multinational engineering and technology company that was founded in 1886. The company is one of the largest automotive suppliers and also provides a wide range of products and services in various industries, such as building technologies, energy and mobility solutions.

Formerly Bosch offered a small-range of solar inverters in the Australian market. At the time of writing there are no Bosch inverters that have been approved by the Clean Energy Council for sale in Australia and eligible under the STC scheme. To our knowledge, Bosch is no longer operating in the Australian solar market.

Bosch BPT-S String InverterBosch BPT-S Solar Inverter Series

Single-phase inverters for residential solar applications

Bosch’s BPT-S line of single-phase string inverters consists of four models for solar PV systems sized at 3kW, 3.68kW, 4kW and 4.6kW (AC output) – ideal for most residential solar PV systems.

Key Features Include:

  • Integrated data logging with online monitoring portal – So that customer, installer and manufacturer alike can monitor performance and troubleshoot problems from afar.
  • Flexibility in design and performance – Wide maximum power point (MPP) range of 170V to 600V, combined with improved MPP tracking procedures allow for high yields and easier system design.
  • Safety – Innovative service switch automatically checks for errors on both the DC and AC side of the system, disconnecting the inverter in the event of an error message.
  • PowerCool cooling concept – Optimises heat distribution of the inverter, allowing for a longer overall lifespan.
  • Easy setup with Bosch’s e.Key – Touchless radio frequency identification (RFID) technology allows the installer to set the relevant parameters for Australia with the swipe of a card, ruling out any fault in the settings.
  • Sleek design.

Download a spec sheet: BPT-S 3-4.6 (pdf)

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Bosch BPT-S 5 Hybrid Solar Battery

4.4kWh – 13.2kWh of battery storage capacityBosch BPT-S Hybrid Appearance

Bosch’s BPT-S 5 Hybrid Battery is an award-winning energy storage solution designed for the residential market. The refrigerator-sized unit can be equipped with up to 13.2kWh of storage capacity – enough to allow an average-sized household to become mostly grid-independent. Globally, Bosch has sold several hundreds of the BPT-S 5 Hybrid Batteries and Australia is a key and growing market for Bosch Power Tec.

Key Features Include:

Integrated energy management system

The Hybrid system consists of a 5kW solar inverter, a battery converter, a battery management system and a lithium-ion battery bank which can be sized between 4.4 and 13.2kWh of capacity, plus an energy management and control panel with a colour touchscreen display.

Programmable, intelligent use of solar PV, batteries and the grid

Allows the user to maximise their savings by avoiding the purchase of expensive grid electricity. The system decides where to source and direct electricity most cost-effectively according to four pre-programmed ‘modes’ for morning, afternoon, evening and night.

Maximising self-consumption of solar PV

The BPT-S 5 Hybrid can help to increase solar self-consumption for a typical household of four from 30% up to 70%. A high charge performance of 5kW means that a household of this size could even achieve total grid independence in the summer.

Bosch BPT-S Hybrid Offsetting

Intelligent system management and display

The Hybrid system comes with a touch-screen display that shows current and historic household energy consumption and production, while also ensuring the ongoing health and maintenance of the system. The system may also be monitored online via Bosch’s e.Web and e.UserApp.

Download a spec sheet: BPT-S 5 Hybrid (pdf)

Download the brochure: BPT-S 5 Hybrid (pdf)

Bosch Solar Inverters Pros and Cons


  • Have a local office and support team
  • Manufactured in Germany
  • Excellent monitoring service usable via desktop or mobile


  • Small amount of market share in Australia

About Bosch Power Tec

Year founded: 2011

Global headquarters: Boeblingen, Germany

Headquarters in Australia: Melbourne

Manufacturing plant locations: Germany

Read About Home Battery Government Schemes Across Australia

South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, and Australian Capital Territory all currently have a home battery scheme in place.

The South Australian Home Battery Scheme enables eligible South Australian residents to receive up to $4,000 per installed battery.

The New South Wales Home Battery Scheme offers an interest-free loan up to $9000 for eligible households looking to install a solar battery.

The Victorian Government under the Solar Homes Program provides to those eligible, a maximum discount of $4,174 off the battery sale price. The next release of battery rebates is on the 2nd of September 2020.

The Australian Capital Territory Government under the Next Generation Energy Storage program provides a rebate of $825 per kilowatt (kW). An average household with a 5kW system would be eligible for approximately $4,000.

Read more product reviews from Solar Choice

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Since 2008 our knowledge and sophisticated software has allowed over 300,000 Australian households and businesses to make a well-informed choice on their solar & battery installer.
Jeff Sykes

Reviews from Australians who have installed Bosch Inverters

Rated 4.50 from 2 reviews
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Showing 2 of 2 Reviews

5th November 2023
QLD - 4311
6kW system

Review left 7 years after system installed


Having minor issues of inverter shutting down at random but does eventually (5 to 10 minutes) come back on. sometimes shutting down 4 times a day.

19th February 2025
10kW system


Showing 2 of 2 Reviews


  1. I noted you only talk string inverters. I have a small consumption
    household 8Wh daily usage, and have been told due to periodic shading of the roof ,only micro inverters would be suitable .
    Do you supply anything that fullfill that requirement .

    1. Hi Miles,

      This article is about Bosch’s products in Australia, but we here at Solar Choice do not stock or sell Bosch’s products. That being said, as far as we’re aware Bosch does not make microinverters – you’d be best to look towards Enphase Energy instead.

  2. Dear sir my name is Mohammed From shannan sons company

    please I need price and catalog for Off Grid Inverter with charger as
    1- 2kw
    2- 3Kw
    3- 4kw
    5- 6kw
    6- 8kw
    7-10 kw

    please I need that ASAP

    1. Hi Mohammed,

      We can’t help you with products as we are a brokerage & comparison service and don’t keep any stock. I would recommend getting in touch with Bosch directly if you’re interested in sourcing their inverters.

      Best of luck!

  3. This is all well and good but what we need to see are prices particularly changes over time. Ive looked all over the net and only dodgy cheapo panels ever give prices. Ive been looking for small stand alone systems particularly small systems for remote plug and play application. The Rene solar SSES sounds great. But all I get is “fill in these fields to get a quote” – code for give us your details so we can market to you. I can’t even find a retailer on line. sheesh!!!

    1. Hi Julian,

      Solar Choice intends to begin publishing battery storage system installation prices within the year – as we currently do with solar PV system installation prices. The market for batteries is still in the process of settling, however, and is still a while off from stabilising as the solar PV market has.

      Solar Choice has already taken steps towards bringing transparency to the market by introducing a Battery Storage Quote Comparison function last year. It’s still under development (for example, at the time of writing you cannot yet request a ‘battery only’ quote comparison to retrofit onto an existing PV system – to be rectified by March or April of 2016) but it’s still a good starting point for shopping around for batteries.

  4. Excited to see these units in the market. You could add that the Bosch string inverters come with a 5 year warranty that can be extended for an extra fee for up to 20 years.

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