WINAICO Solar listed as tier 1 by BNEF

Industry analysts at Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) have classified WINAICO a tier 1 solar module manufacturer in their most recent PV Market Outlook report. Although the listing does not […]

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Energy storage Q&A with Bosch Power Tec

Bosch Power Tec recently introduced its BPT-S 5 Hybrid residential energy storage device onto the Australian market, along with a line of hybrid inverters. Solar Choice recently caught up with Bosch […]

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Interest in solar energy storage growing rapidly

Energy storage is making its way into the mainstream media, with Sydney Morning Herald energy reporter Angela Macdonald-Smith writing about the growing level of interest in energy storage amongst Australian households. […]

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Residential energy storage Q&A with Magellan Power

Magellan Power’s RES1 and RES3 are some of the first of the growing number of residential energy storage devices currently available in Australia. Solar Choice recently caught up with Magellan Power […]

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