Solar & Battery Calculator – Advanced Version

We are happy to provide this calculator for free in pursuit of our mission to help all Australian households and businesses make a well-informed decision on solar.

Remember the calculations here are indicative only and we recommend you confirm your results from other sources.

If you are able to get some use from our calculator then we would love to hear any feedback you have (email us at Happy calculating!

Read about the limitations of this calculator

  • All financial calculations should be seen as indicative only. Outputs do not constitute recommendations or advice. Again, we recommend that you check the results from our calculator against those from other sources.
  • Solar in this tool is based on 365 days of historic solar irradiation data from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). These figures are averages from several years past and are therefore not predictors of future performance; the data is nevertheless useful in working out how a solar-plus-battery system will operate through different types of weather.
  • Household energy consumption data is based on rough consumption curves (read more here), repeated throughout the year. While users can select separate indicative curves for weekdays and weekends, extreme or unusual consumption events (such as having guests over for multiple days) cannot be modelled.
  • Due to file size limitations, the calculator only works for Australia’s capital cities at a limited range of tilt angles and orientations. We will look to improve the calculator (or add more, separate calculators) in the future.

 Try different combinations of sizes, prices and specifications

Our calculator is not designed just to spit out one set of answers, but rather to allow you to explore a range of possibilities and how they pan out. You’ll need to provide inputs of your own to make it relevant to you.

Below we’ve listed some resources for you to use to collect these inputs – otherwise, you can just estimate them.

Energy usage & pricing

  • Your energy bill is the best place to get your energy usage & price data – there should be a chart on the back that shows your historic energy consumption by month.
  • The federal government’s EnergyMadeEasy website is a great place to compare energy pricing offers from suppliers in your area

Solar PV system & battery pricing