Sun Group Energy Reviews
About Sun Group Energy
Our focus at SunGroup Energy is to help you cut your energy bill
At SunGroup Energy we work on making things easy for you. Our local team of specialists is very much solution driven. If there is a problem, we’ll give you the solution. And with our emphasis on quality, we are here for the long term.
From our experience, we know what families want with solar.
We’ll give you personal service all the way through the process. With SunGroup Energy and our premium products, going solar is as easy as turning the lights on
Power to the People
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We were charged $11,889 for a 5kw Solar System of 14 Akcome Kookaburra panels, and a 5 kw Goodwe inverter, in October 2023 We realise now this is beyond a ripoff. Easily triple what it should have cost us. Do not trust this company. I could go on. How we sought them for a second quote (not knoeing wed been ripped off the first time). The second salesman was dishonest to the max. Late to the appointment, claiming wrong address, unreliable google, then road works. Texted saying he was "just outside my friend" then pulling up hastily a good 5 minutes later. Saying he would "look after" me, get me a "good deal" because I was pregnant and had a little one and he himself had a son the same age. He dismissed the shading on the property (large gum trees), saying "hed calculated the shading profile and itd only affect the panel's efficiency by 1%". We didnt proceed, called next day to say due to finance. A day later I received a call from their office saying they were sorry we could not proceed due to finance, but they had just finished a big industrial job and had spare panels left over. They could offer me the equivalent solar system at half the price previously quoted. But it was strictly a limited supply. Do. Not. Trust. Them. Or their prices. Good luck new customer
Solar Panel - AKCOME
The system covers our usage but not our supply charge. But we know now we were greatly overcharged for the system
Solar Inverter - Goodwe
Inverter works, just not happy we were charged triple what we should have been