Stag Electrical, Solar & Refrigeration Reviews
About Stag Electrical, Solar & Refrigeration
We help families and business save money by pioneering renewable energy & reducing downtime, without the trust or reliability issues associated with the industry. At Stag Electrical we know response time is paramount and we are waiting for the call to keep your business running when it matters the most.
We are the leading authority on renewable energy and believe that educating our customers to make the smartest decision for them sets us apart from our competitors.
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Please note: The ACT Regional Company (Stag Electrical) who failed our fit for purpose needs should not be confused with Stag Solar & Electrical proudly owned and run by Nathan Rogers, Queensland A case of over promise and under deliver Stag Electrical Review After 21 months of Stag Electrical’s false promises (more than 16) and failures to correct errors and warranty issues we cannot recommend Stag as an installer of a solar system. Our requested 13.26 kW system was installed as a 12kW system between the 22 and 24 December 2020. The TV Ariel as expected was not relocated. There were roof cabling issues and low placed panels meant that in heavy rain conditions, a water fall effect is likely. We believe that we have experienced breaches of contract and failed warranty requests. 21 plus, months later there has been no warranty work conducted or faulty equipment replaced. Nothing following is a statement, all points made are supported by various email threads, NCAT evidence documents, sector specialist letters, email records and an CEC sourced experts report. We were advised to hold back final payment, based on information provided, that Stag would be unlikely to address the issues. That info proved to be correct. Stag have not addressed the issues. We have since paid in full and yet we still don’t have a system that works as designed or paid for! • As one of us has a mobility disability and uses a lot of electrical appliances and equipment, we asked for a system that could provide whole of house emergency power supply (WOHEPS) and cash savings against future ACTEW power bills. Hence our having such a large system for 2-persons domestic use. The final quote, one of 5 over 8 weeks had the purchase price at a high $34 K plus, this cost (believed to be over market price for entry and mid-level equipment) based on Solar Quotes material, was to facilitate our two major requests. • We explained that the cost was a significant investment for us and that our wishes were that the installation be done extremely well. Stag’s Director promised this would be the case. • The work was not completed competently • In our opinion the team of installers were not well qualified with all the new equipment for them to work on, the install failed, the system failed to work, • A second Sungrow Inverter was provided 25 days later, it also failed to work. • The teams and individuals were neither fast nor efficient. • Base to site communication was poor at best, erratic at worst, with conflicting information provided to the onsite team. Such as the battery location not being in the planned for location, the need for bollards to protect the battery was not advised prior and resulted in the loss of a car space. • Stag employees often departed for other tasks or to pick up missing equipment or parts. • We found some charges excessive, e.g. The lead supervisor was a no show, nor replaced. Stag Director refused to credit that $980 amount. • Over time as we explored the ‘why’ of the system failures we came to learn / believe that there were wiring issues, reversal issues, exporting issues and programming issues • The name on the certificate to redeem the $7500 STC’s, we were informed, was not that of a Stag employee. Essential Energy acted. • Stag received notices from Essential Energy re the systems failures. • Stag received notice from CEC re a compliance failure. • Stag failed after repeated requests to furnish Certificate of electrical safety as per license requirements. • A CEC sourced expert report found failings in Stag’s system, note WOHEPS still not addressed. • The dangerous wiring, lack of islanding had 240 volts running through the system when turned off and 12 defects had our system shut down for 7 months by Essential Energy. • Another example of no WOHEPS, no cost saving. Additional approx. cost / loss per day as determined by ACTEW and a large broker was $21. • When the system was finally made ‘safe’ mid 2022, the issues of the failed BYD / Sungrow pairing since 23rd December 2020 remained. The system failed to work as designed and an export figure to the grid showed a high 8kW. • Stag’s former Operations Manager forwarded an email to us containing diary extracts from the onsite technician. In the words of the employee who attended on 26 May 2022 and failed to rectify the original issues… • ‘…-The Sungrow meter is somehow reversed -The Sungrow / BYD BMS is faulty Told Bob I would be unable to rectify without monitoring further over the next few days he agreed that would be fine….’ • The monitoring apparently did not take place, nor did the employee call with solutions as expected or return the following week • Sector specialists and a CEC sourced expert review found that the system as wired would never produce a whole of house EPS. • Further, only one circuit was connected for EPS. • Several specialists advised that the Sungrow / BYD pairing would not / could not provide WOHEPS. • Further, BYD Sydney and then BYD China confirmed that the BYD 11.2 kW battery and the 10kW Sungrow Hybrid Inverter when paired together would not in fact produce WOHEPS. • How is it that neither Sungrow or Stag appeared to know of this or when informed of it, failed to act in a positive manner. • Evidence presented to NCAT has Stag provided a contract that I (allegedly) signed, before I had even provided Stag an email advising that we would purchase the system as per the final quote. • In 2020 we were informed that, If, in the rush to install a system before Christmas (our install was moved back again by Stag), that should issues occur, then faulty systems would be swapped out at cost, and we would not experience additional out of pocket expenses. Another Stag Director promise made in writing; another promise broken. • Issues of Stag breaching their own ’contract’ and failures to make the system Fit for Purpose are still to be addressed. • A check of various review sites since our failed install date of Dec 2020 will show that other homeowners purchasing a Stag Solar System also have issues with Stag installs, large and small.
Solar Panel - Jinko
The Jinko 390 had good feed back on several sights and meant that on a limited size roof we could get more coverage using less panels. They were wired poorly, as mentioned in the CEC sourced report, were not all black as requested and only 12 kw worth were installed not the required 13.26 kW
Solar Inverter - Sungrow
The first inverter failed and after 25 days was replaced. The second failed to work as designed. Over time we learnt of the cabling issues, the wiring issues and the very likely possibility of programming issues. We also learnt that the inverter and battery pairing as wired would not provide WOHEPS nor would the pairing of the BYD battery and Inverter do so. In early 2021 Sungrow twice offered (Stag) to replace the Sungrow inverter. Stag did not take up those offers. Later on Sungrow offered (us) to replace the inverter. We declined as they could not confirm that the third inverter would not have the same issues as the first two. In fact an email from Sungrow advises that it would perform in a manner to the previous units. BYD Sydney and then China confirmed that the battery inverter pairing as was, could never in fact provide WOHEPS. • How is it that neither Sungrow or Stag appeared to know of this or when informed of it, failed to act in a positive manner. 10kW Sungrow Hybrid Inverter was replaced twice, fails to pair well with the BYD battery for Whole of House Emergency power supply, the reason the system was initially purchased. Sector specialists and a CEC sourced expert review found that the system as wired would never produce a whole of house EPS. • Further, only one circuit was connected for EPS. • Several specialists advised that the Sungrow / BYD pairing would not / could not provide WOHEPS. • Further, BYD Sydney and then BYD China confirmed that the BYD 11.2 kW battery and the 10kW Sungrow Hybrid Inverter when paired together would not in fact produce WOHEPS. • How is it that neither Sungrow or Stag appeared to know of this or when informed of it, failed to act in a positive manner.