Solar Energy Partners Reviews
About Solar Energy Partners
Who we are..
Solar Energy Partners is an Energy Solutions company setup by team of enginineers and professional installers with an aim of providing high quality and econimical solar PV system solutions for domestic and commercial customers in Victoria.
Our aim is to partnering with our customers throughout the life fime of the solar PV system by providing optimum and cost effective engineering designs ,high standard installations and exceptional after sales services.
All our solar PV installations are designed by in house engineers having CES accreditation. Installation and maintenance services are conducted by experienced and CEC acredited electricians in complience to AS/NZ standards and CEC guidelines.
The team Solar Energy Partners will always look for innovative engineering solutions to provide high quality and cost effective solar PV systems tailerd to your energy profile , location and budget that will minimise or completely eliminate your electricity bill whilst maximising ROI.
As a renewable energy company , we are proud to partner with our customers to make a sustainable world for our future genetations .
In order to make our partnership more valuable , as a socially responcible company , we donate minimum $ 2.00 for every installed kW to Australian Red Cross and other charitable organizarions to support the most vulnerable people in our local communities, here in Australia and across the Asia Pacific.
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