Laser Electrical Horsham Reviews
About Laser Electrical Horsham
Laser Electrical Horsham is your 'Totally Dependable' electrician, offering a wide range of electrical services across Horsham and surrounding areas.
Value for money, great service and reliability. These are the foundations of Laser Electrical Horsham. It is the backbone of all successful businesses, no matter what the industry. Keeping things simple, believing in yourself and working hard are the principles that have cemented Laser Electrical Horsham as the leaders in our industry in the Wimmera Mallee region.
This attitude and focus has seen the business go through massive growth and opened many doors for owners Matthew & Janene Coutts.
Located in the heart of the wheat fields of the Wimmera and one of Australia's prime grain region, Matthew and his team of dedicated key staff have expanded the business to a formidable company with multiple divisions. We are now a major player in the domestic, commercial and industrial markets.
In order for Laser Electrical Horsham to provide premium services, we evolved into a self sufficient organisation having control over many areas of the industry that impacted on its ability to provide the client's expected outcomes. Matthew, now managing director, enjoys a mix of working in the business and on the business. He regularly plays a hands-on role on sites, training staff and mentoring management. He is also known to pull out the pliers and screwdrivers and work alongside the staff if the need requires.
Matthew's succession plan involves the distribution of responsibility to his department managers as he believes the importance of understanding their responsibilities and clients' needs early in the relationship. Strong staff retention has enabled the company to develop deep skill sets which are being handed down to the next generation of tradesmen who play a pivotal role in the day to day running of the business.
It is with these values and principles that Laser Electrical Horsham assures our clients of quality whenever we work with them.
We are a strong provider of employment within the region, now employing over 40 staff and providing a large support to the community by sponsoring many local sporting and community groups.
Matthew and his team believe that with such a strong culture and sense of winning, they see a great future and more growth. And as Laser Electrical Horsham moves forward towards our goals, be rest assured we have your goals in mind as well.
Need a 'Totally Dependable' electrician? Contact Laser Electrical Horsham today!
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