Joondalup Electrical Services Reviews
About Joondalup Electrical Services
Joondalup Electrical Services (JESWA) was first registered in 1999 by then and present director Jason Taylor as a general installation and maintenance business to the residential electrical industry. In 2005 Jason could see the benefits of an emerging sector of the electrical industry, solar power and renewable energy. Driven by fascination and a passion for emerging technologies Jason attained qualifications as Designer and Installer in Photovoltaic Systems (Solar). After a few years another emerging sector closely aligned to Solar became apparent, Batteries (Storage) and Stand Alone Power Supplies (Off-Grid). Jason then attained the necessary qualifications and training for Off-Grid and Storage to enable him to grow and develop the business now known as Joondalup Electrical Services.
Having been in the industry since 2005 we have managed to gain the knowledge and experience to serve a very competitive industry that is solar. As with any industry where a government subsidy or incentive is offered it will attract unscrupulous individuals and companies only interested in a quick buck. Jason has always maintained a focus on quality over quantity, its 2020 as I write this for our new website and in the past 11 years over 700 solar business in Australia have come and gone. In a very competitive industry our belief in quality over quantity has served us and our clients well.
Chances are if your reading this its because you have either stumbled upon our website or more than likely been referred to us by a friend or associate and are doing your due diligence with a bit of a research on us. We are not a big company and don’t Endeavour to be one, the person you contact at Joondalup Electrical Services will be the owner of the company and also the person installing your equipment, likewise it would be the same person you contact in the event of any issues post sale.
There are no "Bill Buster Systems" on our website, if you are after cheap and cheerful products and service then read no further, we are not for you! If however you desire personalised service with quality products that are designed and installed correctly at a reasonable price then you are in the right place, welcome.
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