Solar Choice Educational Series on Apartment EV Charging | Ep. 1 of 10

What’s this series about?

This video education series is aimed to help apartmfSometimes there are common property power sockets or usage in the parking garage. This can cause problems for strata buildings if EV owners can use these sockets to charge their car as all owners pay to costs of common property power via their strata feesent owners, strata managers and other stakeholders learn about the different challenges and solutions when considering to future-proof a building for Electric Vehicles.

This is a complicated space where there are many different types of challenges and solutions, that occur on a case by case basis. There is no one size fits all approach here.

There are around 3 million strata-title apartments and townhouses in Australia and this is one of the biggest barriers to the EV transition. Our educational series is designed to breakdown the barriers and better equip strata buildings to tackle these problems.

After going through this series, you’ll understand the different aspects to consider and be ready to start the project for your own building.

Who is Solar Choice?

Solar Choice is an independent consultant on all major energy projects including Solar and EV Charging. Solar Choice has been completing feasibility studies on strata apartment buildings for over 10 years and has deep experience in helping owners committees navigate through the steps to get a solution implemented.

There are few businesses in Australia that have focused on strata buildings as projects take a long time and are difficult to solve. There is usually money to be made quicker in other parts of the market. At Solar Choice we enjoy the more complicated projects and have taken the time to build a team of subject matter experts when it comes to EV charging in apartment buildings.


Not sure where to start? Get some free advice from one of our consultants!

Daniel Carson