Find the Best Solar Power PV System Deals in Bendigo, Victoria

Bendigo, located  north-northwest of Melbourne in country Victoria, is a good place for installing a solar PV system. Victoria offers Standard and Transitional Solar Feed-in Tariff incentives for solar PV. Additionally, with electricity rates rising, […]

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Find the best solar PV deals in Newcastle, NSW

Newcastle, just north of Sydney, is a good place to install a solar PV system, even after the closure of NSW’s Solar Bonus feed-in tariff incentive scheme. The cost of installing […]

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Greens team up with Opposition for Solar Hot Water

In a development that epitomises the unpredictability of Australian renewable energy policy, the Greens may team up with the Federal Opposition to reinstate the recently axed Solar Hot Water rebate […]

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Mowanjum Aboriginal Corporation goes Solar

The Mowanjum Aboriginal Corporation, with the assistance of Solar Choice as tender manager, installed approximately 130kW of solar PV across its headquarters in June 2010.  The aim of the installation was to reduce […]

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Comparing solar PV system output:

Those in the market for a solar PV system and carefully considering their options are constantly on the lookout for more information on solar system sizes and components (namely, inverters and […]

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Desertec: Solar Power from the Sahara to Germany

A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald analyses German’s plans to pipe solar power from the Sahara Desert across the Mediterranean, and into its electricity grid. The project, known […]

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