Next DC’s data centres are recognised world-wide for their engineering and service delivery excellence, and now they are sustainable as well. Solar Choice developed a business case for Next DC […]
Category: Solar Panel & Renewable Energy Policies
Solar Choice articles about solar pv, solar power policy and renewable energy policy. Solar Choice is Australia’s solar power installation brokering and solar quote comparison service. Contact Solar Choice for a free comparison of solar power quotes.
Mad Molecules Installs 12.6kW Solar System
Director Martin Hockey had just purchased the factory in mid-2021. They had previously been spending around $5-6k at the previous location and felt “a-close to” 10kw solution was best suited […]
The Jade Cosmetic Clinic Installs 10kW Solar System
The Jade Cosmetic Clinic provides an extensive range of medical treatments and have locations in Cairns, Brisbane and Trinity Beach. In early 2021 quarterly power bills were around $2,500 so […]
Sydney Amateur Sailing Club Installs 10kW Solar System
Founded in 1872, The Amateurs is one of the oldest yacht clubs in Australia. In a stunning location on the shore of Mosman Bay, The Amateurs is home to a […]
Albert Johnson Installs 83kW Solar System
Albert Johnson are a family-owned company proudly supplying timber to the mining industry for over 80 years. Priding themselves in supplying quality product and utilising their own fleet of transport […]
Boortmalt installs 95kW Solar System at Minto Malt Plant
Boortmalt is the world’s leading malting company with a 3 million tonnes production capacity. The group is present on 5 continents with 27 malting plants. Solar Choice assisted the plant […]
Time is almost up to capitalise on Temporary Full Expensing of solar projects
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Australian government introduced an incentive to promote business activity which greatly improves the ROI for solar projects. Essentially solar projects can be expensed […]
SwitchDin features in US-based VPP Partnership
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) has announced the formation of a Virtual Power Plant Partnership (VP3) which is an initiative that works to mobilise the industry and transform policy to support […]
Club Totem installs 50kW solar system
Club Totem is one of the leading clubs across the northern beaches with fantastic food options at Forty Baskets restaurant and a number of function rooms along with their […]
Australian Wildflowers Installs 55kW of Solar
Australian Flower Investment Company is a leader in growing, picking, bunching and packaging Australian wildflowers which are sold across Australia. In May 2021 Jo Gardner, Managing Director, approached Solar Choice […]
Terra Madre rolls out 238kW of solar panels across 3 sites
Terra Madre is a leader in affordable organic foods with a 28-year history based in Melbourne. Owner, Sam McGinley, pursued the solar project with the intention of lowering the business’s […]
Solar Panels Cairns: What you need to know before buying!
The Australian Photovoltaic Institute estimates that there have been almost 10,000 residential solar installations in Cairns meaning that almost 35% of the dwellings have solar panels already installed. Find out […]
Commercial Solar Maintenance: Why, how and how often
Many commercial solar installations across Australia have been sold on the premise of ‘set and forget’, the idea that once the solar system is installed, it will run flawlessly […]
Gympie Council installs 27kW solar panel system
Solar Choice has been helping Gympie Council assessing the potential for a solar installatin across more than 10 buildings ranging from simple office spaces to sewage treatment plants. The first […]
Genex and Solar Choice sign deal on 2,000MW Bulli Creek Solar Farm & Energy Storage Project
Solar Choice has today executed transaction documents with experienced energy storage and solar farm developer Genex Power Limited (ASX: GNX) to progress the multi-staged 2,000MW Bulli Creek Solar Farm & […]
Most Efficient Solar Panels in Australia
Once you have decided to install a residential solar system to power your home, and maybe even your electric car, you have a few other important decisions to make. […]
The ACT’s solar battery storage incentive program
The ACT government’s Next Generation Energy Storage (Next Gen) program, initially launched in 2016, is one of the most ambitious battery storage incentive schemes in Australia, aiming to subsidise the […]
LG to Close Down Solar Panel Business
In an astonishing move LG have decided to close down their solar panel business to focus on other aspects of the energy market. The decision was made by the company’s […]
Book a Free Inspection for Hail Storm Damage – Rebuild Relief
Book a free inspection for your property now How it works: About Rebuild Relief: Rebuild Relief offer a free service to help customers through the complex insurance […]
1.5kW solar PV systems: Pricing, outputs and payback
1.5kW solar systems were once the most popular system size in Australia. As solar technology prices have come down in recent years, however, most homes are now tending to opt […]
Payback periods for commercial-scale solar PV systems: State by state
There has never been a better time for Australian businesses to invest in commercial solar power. Last year Solar Choice analysed electricity bills & meter data to generate free indicative […]
Boort Poultry Farm Installs 200kW Solar
A new poultry farm was constructed in 2020 in Boort and is now powered by 200kW of solar panels. Solar Choice have partnered with Santrev, Australia’s leading poultry shed builder, […]
Solar Pool Pumps: Costs, Options and Benefits Explained
A backyard pool is the quintessential lifestyle accessory in Australia, and around 13% of Australian homes have a pool in the backyard. Having a pool provides relief from summer heat […]
Solar meets more than 100 per cent of local demand in South Australia again
Solar power, the vast majority of it generated on household and business rooftops, has again delivered more than 100 per cent of local demand in South Australia, in what is […]
Half of world’s planned solar projects in 2022 at risk due to rising costs
A new report has warned that more than half of the 90GW of large-scale solar projects planned for development next year could be delayed or even cancelled, due to a […]
NSW flags tighter rules on where wind and solar farms can be built
The New South Wales government is seeking to amend state planning rules to protect major regional centres from “encroaching solar and wind development,” as the state ramps up its shift […]
NSW draws up map for massive 8GW renewable energy zone in New England
Australia’s most coal power dependent state, New South Wales, has mapped out its latest designated renewable energy zone, the New England REZ, which will host a massive 8GW of wind, […]
Why solar farms won’t stew your fruit or boil your berries
The theory that solar farms can act as “massive heat banks” and even spoil food crops has been challenged by the findings of a new international scientific study that has shown PV […]
Solar Panel Prices Hike Over 30% in October 2021
The ‘solarcoaster’ cycles of the Australia solar power industry are an economists dream and a solar business owners worst nightmare. The latest challenge for the industry to hurdle is the […]
More than 1GW of new wind, solar and battery storage registered in last three months
More than one gigawatt of new large-scale wind, solar and energy storage projects has been registered on the National Electricity Market over the past three months, the Australian Energy Market […]
Battery storage charges up for big switch to 5-minute settlements
Australia’s main grid has made the switch to a single five minute trading settlement period, marking one of the biggest and most strongly contested changes in its history and a […]