Commercial Solar PV Price Index: March 2016

The average price of a commercial solar system has increased slightly between February and March, according to figures from Solar Choice’s installer network database. The average price of an installed commercial […]

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Residential solar PV price index – March 2016

After two consecutive months of increases, average solar PV system prices have dropped slightly for the first time in the new year, currently sitting at about $1.65/W. Average solar PV […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: February 2016

Average prices for commercial-scale solar PV system installations have remained largely unchanged between this month and last, according to figures from Solar Choice’s installer network database. Commercial solar system prices […]

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Residential solar PV price index – February 2016

Average solar PV system installation prices for Australia have risen for the 2rd month running, according to data from Solar Choice’s installer network database. The average price per watt for […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: January 2016

Mirroring the Residential PV Price Index for this month, commercial system prices have undergone a slight up-tick since the end of last year. Average commercial solar PV system prices currently […]

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Residential solar PV price index – January 2016

After about 5 months of  steady declines since about August of 2015, the average price of solar PV system prices rose slightly (approximately 5c/W) between December of 2015 and January of […]

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Battery storage for solar in Western Australia

Around 20% of the homes in Western Australia have solar panels installed on their roofs, according to the APVI. This makes WA the Australian state with the 3rd highest concentration […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: December 2015

December marks the second month running where the installer-nominated ‘Solar Choice Discount’ has been excluded from our calculations, resulting in pricing more reflective of actual retail commercial solar system prices […]

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