Get solar quotes for Sydney, NSW

Sydney is the largest city in Australia and a great place to install a solar PV system, provided you are prudent in your selection of installer and smart about how and […]

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Solar Power in Victoria: Benefits and options

Update 3 Sept 2012: The Victorian government has announced that systems must be installed and all paperwork submitted by 30 September 2012 in order to secure eligibility for the Transitional or […]

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Find the best deals on solar power in Gladstone, Qld

Solar power is a smart investment in Gladstone, Queensland. Queensland residents who install an eligible solar PV systems are currently eligible for the most generous Solar Feed-in Tariff in Australia, at 44c […]

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Cheap solar panels in Melbourne, Victoria?

Are cheap solar panels worth the investment in Melbourne, Victoria? Although the price of solar panels is coming down across the globe and Australia, and solar panels are certainly much […]

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Victoria Feed-in Tariff to be reduced by 31 Dec 2012 or sooner

The Victoria Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) has released its draft report on its inquiry into Victoria’s Feed-in Tariffs, recommending sweeping changes that will effectively eliminate state government subsidisation for small- […]

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WA Solar Feed-in Tariff scheme to go over budget

Western Australia’s Solar Feed-in Tariff scheme may exceed its budget by as much as 7 times original projections. The WA Government has been accused of having mismanaged the scheme: at […]

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