Commercial Solar PV Price Index: November 2015

This month we have changed our methodology for calculating commercial solar system prices, leaving out the installer-nominated ‘Solar Choice Discount’ which is usually added on to the ‘final total’ column […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: October 2015

Average commercial solar system prices have decreased for the second month in a row, according to data from the Solar Choice Installer Network database. The continuing drop follows a sharp […]

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Residential solar PV price index – September 2015

Solar system prices fell on average between August and September, but there was significant variation between cities, especially among the smaller system sizes (1.5kW and 2kW). The rise in average […]

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Solar-plus-battery storage in Brisbane

In some suburbs of the greater Brisbane area, nearly 50% of residential roofs are equipped with solar panels – among the highest rates in the country. Many of these homes […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: August 2015

This month Solar Choice upgraded its price reporting functionality to encompass a larger number of commercial installers – with interesting results. While average prices now appear as higher for 30kW, 50kW […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: August 2015

Average solar system prices rose for most system sizes in Sydney and Tasmania between July and August, while dropping or staying flat for all other cities and system sizes. The […]

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Solar energy storage in Victoria

Interest in battery storage for solar power is growing rapidly in Australia – which has been described as ‘ground zero for energy storage’. What is the attractiveness of energy storage for […]

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