If you’re a Homeowner with roof top solar panels, you’ll want to make the most of the electricity they produce. The best way to reduce electricity costs and to increase […]
Solar Hot Water System: Everything You Need to Know

Solar Choice blog articles about how to save energy and get the most out of your solar power system.
If you’re a Homeowner with roof top solar panels, you’ll want to make the most of the electricity they produce. The best way to reduce electricity costs and to increase […]
Knowing what solar system is best for you and your home comes down to a multitude of factors, examples being; your energy consumption, when and how you consume energy, your […]
There’s a lot of negativity when it comes to environmental predictions on a global basis – we are flooded with plastics or other waste, we contribute to deforestation by consuming […]
The ACT government’s ‘Business Energy and Water Program’ aims to assist eligible ACT businesses that want to upgrade to more water-efficient and energy-efficient technologies, including solar, lighting, appliances, heating or […]
Australian’s truly did bask in the sun last year. Not only was 2018 one of the most hottest and driest years on record, it was also a year where PV […]
Electricity Demand Charges and Solar Energy Solar PV installations will in most cases reduce peak demand charges but there are a lot of dependencies and it is impossible to guarantee […]
The problems currently facing the efficiency and stability of the gird are multilayered, and grid-scale energy storage technologies are helping to deliver solutions, according to Gianpaolo Giuliani, Global Sales Director, […]
As solar and energy storage technologies become more competitive, they will revolutionise how energy is consumed globally, especially in Australia, says businessman Sanjeev Gupta, who has cemented his place as a […]
More than 60 leading companies in the Australian and global energy storage industry will come together at the Australian Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition (AES 2018) on 23-24 May to […]
The relationship between home heating and solar PV is significantly different to that between home cooling and solar PV. There are two key differences: Time of day: we need heating […]
When you go solar, you’ll need to adjust the way you use your appliances to ensure you make the most of the energy coming from your solar panels. Here are a […]
Home cooling and solar PV are inextricably linked in two ways: Time of day: our need for cooling is strongest when temperatures peak during the daytime – the time when […]
The hot water system you use in your home has a big impact on how you size your solar panels, and on how you position them on your rooftop. That’s […]
If you’re looking to be more energy efficient this autumn, a good place to start is adding solar panels to your home. It’s been suggested that autumn is the best season […]
Australia has one of the highest per capita and rooftop penetration rates of solar power in the world. Our position at the top of the rankings is largely because we […]
The use of solar power is increasing at a prodigious rate around the world and Australia is no exception. In fact solar’s growth may be have already reached an unforeseen […]
We have a lot to thank the electricity industry for, let’s be clear about that. Energy has transformed our life and brought wealth and health to billions of people. But […]
One of the trickiest parts of maximising efficiency in a solar installation is dealing with variations in power output among panels and strings of panels in the same system. SolarEdge is a company […]
Since the NSW State Government removed the mandatory feed-in tariff in early 2012 there has been ongoing discussion about the value of solar power in NSW. With energy prices skyrocketing as […]
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has recommended that the price of electricity in NSW increase by between 16.4% and 18.1%. Changes will come into effect from 1 July, […]
We here at Solar Choice are regularly asked about not only technical issues related to solar power, but also about which Installers are the most reputable and dependable. Even before […]
We get asked a lot of questions and sometimes the answers just remain on the page of the article and it is hard for others to keep track of them, […]
Last week in “The Manufacturing and Science behind Solar Energy Panels” we talked about the different types of solar panels you could purchase and what all those complicated names meant. […]
To Feed-in or not to Feed-in: Encouraging renewable energy electricity production The concept of a feed-in-tariff (FiT) has been around since the 70’s but it was only in the last […]
Yet another reason to go solar! In the second half of this year mandatory disclosure will be introduced for commercial office buildings with a leasable space over 2000 square metres. […]
A previous article on this site looked at the first part of that answer, how much energy your solar cells will produce. Here we learnt that the amount of energy a 1kW […]
The previous article, how to save energy in your home, told you how on aggregate you use electricity in the home – that is, what percentage of your power is used by certain appliances. But […]
Every quarter that electricity bill rolls in, and you may be left wondering – how is it so high, and how am I using that much energy? Here is a summary […]