Residential solar PV price index – January 2016

After about 5 months of  steady declines since about August of 2015, the average price of solar PV system prices rose slightly (approximately 5c/W) between December of 2015 and January of […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: December 2015

December marks the second month running where the installer-nominated ‘Solar Choice Discount’ has been excluded from our calculations, resulting in pricing more reflective of actual retail commercial solar system prices […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: November 2015

This month we have changed our methodology for calculating commercial solar system prices, leaving out the installer-nominated ‘Solar Choice Discount’ which is usually added on to the ‘final total’ column […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: October 2015

Average commercial solar system prices have decreased for the second month in a row, according to data from the Solar Choice Installer Network database. The continuing drop follows a sharp […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: September 2015

Average commercial solar PV system prices for September were slightly lower than those from August. Commercial solar system prices (10kW-100kW) All prices in the tables below are include incentives available […]

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Residential solar PV price index – September 2015

Solar system prices fell on average between August and September, but there was significant variation between cities, especially among the smaller system sizes (1.5kW and 2kW). The rise in average […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: August 2015

This month Solar Choice upgraded its price reporting functionality to encompass a larger number of commercial installers – with interesting results. While average prices now appear as higher for 30kW, 50kW […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: August 2015

Average solar system prices rose for most system sizes in Sydney and Tasmania between July and August, while dropping or staying flat for all other cities and system sizes. The […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: July 2015

Commercial solar system prices for July 2015 remain steady at around $1.44 per watt ($/W) on average. 10kW solar system prices continue the gradual rise that began about three months […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: July 2015

The average solar PV system price nationally continues to sit at about $1.85 per watt for the third month in a row, with prices for specific system sizes also remaining […]

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Solar system prices in Brisbane, Queensland

Approximately one quarter of households in Brisbane proper have a solar power system, according to the APVI’s solar map; the suburbs surrounding Brisbane have even higher solar penetrations. The number of systems […]

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Solar energy battery storage in Queensland

Rooftop solar has proved itself to be immensely popular in Queensland, where roughly 27% of all homes have had a system installed, according to the APVI. But more and more Queensland homes […]

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Solar PV system prices in Darwin, NT

According to the APVI‘s solar map, only about 6% of homes in Darwin have solar panels – despite the fact that the city is home to some of the highest solar irradiation rates […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: June 2015

Average indicative prices for commercial solar energy systems changed little between May and June 2015, continuing to hover around $1.44/W. Commercial solar energy system prices (10kW-100kW): Averages All prices in the […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: June 2015

Average residential solar PV system prices remain largely unchanged between May and June 2015, hovering around $1.86/W nationally. What appears as price rises in Melbourne were actually due mainly to a […]

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Solar power system prices in Newcastle, NSW

Around 11% of the homes in Newcastle, NSW have a solar power system installed. This is strong evidence that many Newcastle residents continue to find that solar PV systems are well worth the […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: May 2015

With the exception of 10kW solar systems, prices for commercial-scale solar PV systems in Australia decreased slightly on average between April and May of 2015, according to data from the […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: May 2015

Nationally, average solar energy system prices have risen for the second month in a row, according to data from the Solar Choice installer network database. Prices for 1.5kW, 2kW and […]

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