Western Riverlands Poultry 340kW Solar Project Complete

Construction of the 340kW solar PV project at the Western Riverlands Poultry Farm based in Mogumber, WA has now reached completion in June 2019.


Western Riverlands Poultry is leading the transition to clean energy with one of the largest Agricultural Solar PV projects in Western Australia.

Solar Choice was engaged in late 2018 to independently assess the solar requirements of the farm through a partnership with Santrev – a leader in poultry shed construction in Australia.

Solar Choice’s engineering team analysed 30-minute interval data to understand energy consumption through bird cycles and weather seasons, and to design the optimal Solar PV system to maximise economic return and carbon offsets.

Through a National Solar Tender process, Solar Choice was able to help the Mogumber Poultry Farm beat the current market price for solar by over 10%, while delivering a high quality solution which surpasses industry standards for warranties and performance guarantees.

The 340kW Solar PV system utilises Fronius Inverter technology and Trina Solar Panels with both roof-mounted and ground-mounted arrays.

During it’s lifetime the project will prevent over 17,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, equivalent to taking 3,600 cars of the road and save over $1.5million in energy costs.

See more of Solar Choice’s poultry farm experience



Jeff Sykes
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