Utility PV Tracker Market Review – Australia

rystad energy tracker volumes

The Australian utility PV tracker supplier market has eight suppliers, with NEXTracker and Array Technologies (ATI) being the main players in the market. Together they account for  5.8 gigawatts of capacity at or beyond financial close.

NEXTracker has supplied (or will in total) 4 gigawatts of capacity from 79 assets, while for ATC it will be 1.9 gigawatts of capacity from 27 assets.

PV Hardware (PVH) is another major player in the Australia. They’ve overtaken Archtech, moving into third place. It was as a result of winning four projects, of mention was Blue Grass which at 170 megawatts is Australia’s eighth largest solar farm beyond financial close.

(credit: Rystad Energy)


Jeff Sykes
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