The NSW government has announced a drastic decision that, in addition to closing the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme feed-in tariff, would retrospectively reduce the NSW feed-in tariff for those already contractually signed up for the previous scheme’s 60c/kWh gross tariff rate to a 40c/kWh gross rate, effective 1 July 2011. Those whose applications were submitted before the 29 April 2011 cut-off date but whole applications are still pending will be eligible for a 20c/kWh feed-in tariff.
Solar Choice and associates in the NSW solar power industry is considering taking legal action against the government to to fight for security of investment for the thousands of NSW residents who are signed up under the 60c scheme.
Nigel Morris, Director of Solar Business Services, was quoted as saying, “The NSW Government has just made liars out of all of us (in the Solar Industry) and destroyed the financial proposition of tens of thousands of solar system purchasers who bought in good faith.” (A rally is planned for Wed 18 May at the Customs House Library, 11:30-12:30.)
The news was announced in a press release from NSW Resources and Energy Minister Chris Hartcher.
Other details of the announcement are summarised as follows:
-The minister accuses that the scheme, whose cost is expected to reach $1.9B has been mismanaged by the previous government, and that the responses are a ‘fair and reasonable to reduce the burden on NSW taxpayers.’
-Applications for the Solar Bonus scheme received by network businesses before the 29 April 2011 hold on the the scheme was imposed will be ‘progressed and considered under the eligibility criteria’ for the scheme, and will be eligible for a 20c/kWh feed-in tariff.
-Allowing the applications to be considered will mean that approximately 40,000 additional customers will have access the Scheme, on top of the 120,000 customers already participating.
-The scheme will thereby exceed its original 300MW cap, instead reaching up to 365MW of renewable energy connected to the grid, providing ongoing work for the Solar Power industry and allowing an additional 40,000 solar power systems to be connected.
–Customers eligible for the 60c/kWh tariff will see their tariff rate reduced to 40 cents from 1 July 2011 for the remainder of the Scheme. Customers eligible for the 20c/kWh tariff will see no change.
-As mentioned above, Solar Choice and partners in the industry looking into initiating legal action agains the state government for this potential breach, and in order to ensure security for the investments of those who signed up for the scheme under the 60c feed-in tariff.
-Hartcher said: œWe acknowledge customers who joined the original 60 cent Scheme had certain expectations of financial returns, however the Scheme was never intended to provide windfall profits to a few at the expense of many. These changes will reduce the potential for customers to reap windfall profits while minimising the undue burden placed on non-participating households.”
-œAnyone applying after 28 April 2011 will still have the right to connect renewable energy generators to the grid, receive separate retailer feed-in offers and other Commonwealth incentives.
-The Government placed a two month hold on applications to the Scheme on 28 April 2011 while it considered the outcomes of Stage One of the NSW Solar Summit. The announcements are part of this ‘Solar Summit’ held by the NSW Government, which wished to fix the ‘blowout’ scheme.
-“The Solar Summit Stage Two will be held in June and will examine options to establish a long-term and sustainable future for the NSW solar industry and responsible energy policy.”
For information on the Solar Bonus Scheme visit or call the Energy Information Line on 1300 136 888.
Update on potential class action: Solar Choice has been consulting with class action specialists Maurice Blackburn, as well as our usual solicitors Mallesons and Piper Alderman (the latter has also been engaged by Solar Energy Industries Association). As of last night 17.5.2011, the NSW Govt was yet to release the draft legislation setting out the retrospective reduction in solar feed in tariff. At this stage there is only last Friday’s press release from the Energy Minister Chris Hartcher “ a media release itself can’t be the target of action. The potential legal avenues under consideration, and pending formal advice are: a class action under trade practices provisions and/or contract law against any electricity retailer which attempts to retrospectively reduce the feed in tariff, seeking Court orders that compel them to pay 60c rather than 40c as well as any damages for feed in rewards not paid at the higher rate from 1 July 2011 (the Govt unfortunately can’t be sued for misleading and deceptive conduct as they are not a business entity); a challenge to the new law (once known) as being in breach of express and/or implied constitutional provisions, or in some other way beyond power. We’ll keep you posted on developments. All 20 NSW based Solar Choice staff are now off to join the 11.30am solar rally at Circular Quay “ Angus Gemmell (Managing Director, Solar Choice Pty Ltd).
- Solar Power Wagga Wagga, NSW – Compare outputs, returns and installers - 13 March, 2025
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- Solar Hot Water System: Everything You Need to Know - 27 February, 2024
O’Farrell, you lost me!
Government departments are business entities – just their ABN numbers are often hard to find: try searching ABN: 86 267 354 017 and see what government department you get. The Treasury is there too, so too is each State Goverment, the Commonwealth etc – don’t expect them to come up in a search though…
Well done people, the government finally backflipped it’s decision to reduce the tariff to 40cents. Win for the people, you beauty. Thank you to the upper house for not supporting the ludicrous retrospective legislation.
What is going on!!!! Are we being deceived like little children eg. you can have this nice cake but I will take half of it back after you enjoy a little bit of it. What bull shit is this about being on a contract what is the purpose of having such a contact . This stinks??? the government never makes normal public happy at all . What ever piece of cent of profit as normal citizens make GOV ALWAYS NEEDS TO TAKE SOME FROM YOU !!!!!! i AM FOR WHATEVER ACTION THERE IS TO BE TAKEN
Where does the governments behaviour stand in relation to our contracts sit with the Trades Practices Act??? hmmmm… unconscionable conduct!!! What a disgrace. The government is the government and a contract is a contract, regardless of who was in power. This decision now sets a precedent, if allowed to continue, and any initiative of this type being offered in future will fail because the government, any government, clearly cannot be trusted. As far as I’m concerned, if this goes ahead the government can go and get stuffed!!! I’m on board for the Class Action – bring it on!!!
With all this commentary can someone actually advise what action is planned and how do we make contact? Unless the affected people get organized quickly nothing will result other that people “getting it off their chest”.
I am sure that is what the government wants. They consider us a minority that the balance of the electorate will not support.
In a positive development it was reported in today’s Daily Telegraph that the Shooters and Fishers Party is considering blocking the retrospective legislation in the upper house. We’d recommend sending emails to the two members of this party –; You can register your interest in participating in a potential class action with the Solar Energy Industries Association – go to
This is a DISGRACE! Bring on the class action! I’m a LIB voter and this is not honouring a legal contract. No Honour absoulty disgusting. Bought a 2.2kw system in Oct, on GOOD faith, feel very sorry for the people who went for bigger systems…
Bring on the CLASS ACTION!!
I installed a 1.6KW system – it was financed, so it was going to pay for itself over the 2 years. With the reduction it will take closer to 3 – no tragedy for me, but the bigger the system, the more magnified the consequence. I disagree with the retrospective welshing on committments, but think people should be aware of 2 points: solar polar is often generated when the grid load is not high (so it doesn’t replace a new power station, it just stops some coal or gas being burnt). Secondly class actions involve typically a law firm acting on a contingent basis – so half the win typically goes to them, but all the losses on the Government are paid for by NSW taxpayers – so you take from one pocket, drop half the money in the lawyers lap and then put the rest into your pocket – not very satisfying!
Thanks Tony, unlike in USA it’s illegal in Aust for law firms to fund litigation by taking a share of winnings from the client, and typically most legal costs are recovered from the losing party. In this case, the class action may also lie against private electricity retailers (under trade practices legislation) who didn’t fully disclose the risk of a lower tariff to their customers, and Court orders would predominantly be sought to compel them to stick with the 60c, rather than pay damages for the whole period of the proposed reduced tariff, namely 1 July 2011 – 1 Jan 2017. We’ll keep our customers posted. Cheers.
hartcher said …. windfall for a few at the expense of many …
we pay the inst. cost at 112 $s a month. by the time we finish the cost of kw used
is likely the same as the amount we receive now.
how can they be so arrogant and ignore the contract i must stick to ?
The Solar Bonus Scheme was always meant to entice and encourage people to make the switch. Just like the insulation scheme, this one is being tampered with and original CONTRACTS (a signed contract is an agreement between 2 parties to fulfil on work agreements and by law cannot be reniged unless both parties agree to it and new contracts are put in place) Basic business law NSW govt. Think about before you create a black hole.
My previous comment was censored, obviously my sarcasm was not understood. Nevertheless I would think that most people will share my opinion that what the NSW government is doing here is not exactly a shining example how to deal with a commitment when it becomes uncomfortable. How can the government expect the public to be true and honest if they are not? Shouldn’t the rules be the same for the government as they are for the public? Why is the government allowed to bend the law and break a contract, when this is certainly not possible for the general public?
We borrowed $50,000 from the bank to put in our 9.6 kw scheme. we were motivated mostly by the ethics of providing green renewable energy. We can’t say to the bank, sorry, we’re not going to pay the full amount or the interest on the basis that the Liberal O’Farrell government has decided to break its contract to us. A legal contract is a legal contract. We are very interested in starting a class action. As some-one else has already stated, lets start a class action. where do we start? Any ideas?
When we signed up to this scheme we were never told that it was to be paid for by increasing electricity charges to all individuals. In fact the previous government never advertised where the 60 cents was coming from, only now do we realise they had never really put enough thought in to this scheme. Surely massive amounts of power being generated by solar should result in big savings at the polluting coal fired power stations.
I have borrowed money to install my system at the 60c rate and would definitely join a CLASS ACTION or even insigate one if necessary.
I am discusted with the new liberal state government, we signed up a year ago with our outlay being $23,000 on the $.60c kw paying off our solar in 7 years before it reduced to $.20 kw, now it will take over 10 years. What is the use of having a contract with the Government that we can’t get out of but it seems very easy for the Governmnet to get out of. So why would you sign up for anything with the Government when they can just change the law when they feel like it. If there will be a class action I will be in it.
Regards Pam Brunno
It is just outrageous. You can never believe the politicians, they are bloody chameloens, can change each minute. The investment we made was based on the 60c model; it is injustice to change the feed in tarriff now, it is just not right. I thought 60c was a line in the sand and can not change for the scheme period for people who have signed the contract. Shame on the government.
Hartcher’s press release notes:
“We acknowledge customers who joined the original 60 cent Scheme had certain expectations of financial returns, however the Scheme was never intended to provide windfall profits to a few at the expense of many.”
My “expectations” were that by having a contract with the NSW Government, I could expect a high degree of certainty around the terms of the agreement. I agonised over the decision to take money out of my bank account and put it onto my roof, where it will now sit for most of the rest of my life.
The retrospective aspect of this announcement is appalling and all the more so from a Liberal government.
This is outrageous and illegal, I believe we have contracts and we will fight for compensation. Bring on the class action it not our fault the politicians of this land are so stupid and untrustworthy.
I think it is illigal to retroactive the FIT. I think we have take class action against the government. They cant do what they want. Any ideas what and where to go?
I agree with taking legal action. I suggest we all need to band together and instigate a class action with one of the specilialists like Slater and Gordon
It simply proves again what a government contract is worth: Absolutely nothing. No wonder that most people in this country would trust a backyard car dealer more than a politician. Now the NSW government shows us how to handle uncomfortable issues: If you had committed yourself in a contract, but you don’t like it afterwards, no worries, simply bend the law and break it.
Remember this people in your everyday life and when it comes to your obligations towards our government in future: Break contracts as they do, find cheap excuses as they do, cheat as much as you can. What is good for them should be good for us! They called off fairness, loyalty and honesty, so equal rules for all of us!
They have just increased the retail price of power yet wholesale electricity is at near all time lows… Country Enegy sold to Origin… This muddy water is starting to stink like to coal seam gas the government and the miners are all rushing to pump from under our lands. Maybe we should pay 66% of our rates and rego, electricity and government charges and see how they like it!
If I do a job then say when the job is completed I will only pay 66% of the agreed sum then this is breech of contract and illegal. Even if it can be justified in the law it is morally wrong. I think this is the begining of the better the devil you knew phase of the Ofarrell term ie at least the Kenneally government was simply inept this kind of move without consulatation or mandate is unforgivable.
I would like to join in any class action taken against these contract breaking thieves who call themselves the NSW state government…
Update on potential class action: Solar Choice has been consulting with class action specialists Maurice Blackburn, as well as our usual solicitors Mallesons and Piper Alderman (the latter has also been engaged by Solar Energy Industries Association). As of last night 17.5.2011, the NSW Govt was yet to release the draft legislation setting out the retrospective reduction in solar feed in tariff. At this stage there is only last Friday’s press release from the Energy Minister Chris Hartcher – a media release itself can’t be the target of action. The potential legal avenues under consideration, and pending formal advice are: a class action under trade practices provisions and/or contract law against any electricity retailer which attempts to retrospectively reduce the feed in tariff, seeking Court orders that compel them to pay 60c rather than 40c as well as any damages for feed in rewards not paid at the higher rate from 1 July 2011 (the Govt unfortunately can’t be sued for misleading and deceptive conduct as they are not a business entity); a challenge to the new law (once known) as being in breach of express and/or implied constitutional provisions, or in some other way beyond power. We’ll keep you posted on developments. All 20 NSW based Solar Choice staff are now off to join the 11.30am solar rally at Circular Quay – Angus Gemmell (Managing Director, Solar Choice Pty Ltd).
40 cents instead of 60 cents I lose $17k including a loss of $10k capital.
Yup, I’ll be in a class action boots and all
So I guess whatever savings the government thinks it will make by not honoring the 60c tariff will be lost to legal fees defending a class action.
Well I will still sign up for a class action!
Contact your local member, asking them to vote against plans to not honor the 60c tariff.
First they drop the feed in tarriff from 60c to 40c. What’s to stop these idiots putting us all on net metering? Be afraid, be very afraid.
I think it is time to expose this fraudulant activity of these puppet politicians of big business.
A massive solar class action country wide should be instigated. This public money has been spent on private companies who bought the utility so they didnt have to spend their own capital on more generating plants. “CORRUPT”
I agee with all the comments so far posted.I am a pensioner and invested a lot of money only to see it disappear.I think its time to get rid of these idiots and appoint an administator.
So typical.. government.. When are we going to learn not to trust them.. As a single mother on a average wage, struggling to pay bills i thought this would be a good chance to reduce my electricity bill.. stupid me. i refianced to be able to put the panels up.. now what.. do we just pull the plug on the panels and see who complains then
hey ka apparently we did to get a windfall…how dishonest they are
We like many others have invested in a solar system and made our decision based on receiving the 60c FIT till 2016. We increased the size of the system knowing that we could pay for the system in that time frame. While researching the pros and cons I called the Dept of Industry querying if the value or time frame of the scheme could be wound back. I was informed that it would take an act of parliament to do this and it would not happen as both sides of politics were supporting the scheme. What happened? We were part of a group of 32 families struggling to cope with increasing power bills looking for a solution. We did our research and bargained hard to make our project happen only to be ripped off by the new government. We will all be lobbing our local member, the premier, minister for resources and energy Chris Hatcher, minister for infrastructure and services Andrew Stoner and all those who attended the solar summit. Get writing everyone.
Thanks for changing the legislation retrospectively, now tell me how I change my vote of last April retrospectively.
I made an informed decision on what was on offer at the time in relation to the solar bonus scheme. I have borrowed money to purchase and install a large solar system on my house. With the rebate that was on offer, I expect to be able to pay off the loan principle and interest by the time the six and a half years pass. Then I would own a system that will allow me to reduce my electricity cost so my young family can survive. During this time, I would have contributed to the carbon pollution reduction of our planet, and reduced to need to flood another valley for water storage of additional hydro electricity, the need to venture down the nuclear path, or build more or increase the size of existing, coal fired power plants.
Wake up liberals, we voted out the last mob because they lost their way, start screwing over the people that voted you in and the honeymoon wont last. If you want to change the goal post then sure, we voted you in to manage the states affairs, any new prospective purchasers would need to carefully do the math’s to ensure their venture was economically sound. But don’t retrospectively change the rules for those that have already spent their money in good faith.
If you are going to change the rules, then offer to buy back my investment and pay my accrued interest on my loan for my system.
I’m in the same situation as Ross, where is the fairness in this. I took a risk borrowing the money. I also voted on the liberals thinking they would continue the scheme in it’s current form. Bugger the libs, you have certainly wrecked my families future with this change. It’s hard enough to live now, SHAME ON YOU!!!!!
here here ross..same for us!
I would also support a class action. This is a blatant breach of contract. The most galling thing is, I voted for the bastards.
Class action, lets go, has anyone started anything ?
You can register your interest in participating in a potential class action with the Solar Energy Industries Association – go to
Where do I sign up for the class action. What mention did these so called honest politicians make of these plans during the last election!!
You can register your interest in participating in a potential class action with the Solar Energy Industries Association – go to
So whilst the Federal Coalition raves on about deceit in the labor party the NSW coalition, who voted for the 60c in the first place, decides to break contractual agreements. Is it any wonder we don’t trust politicians. We seem to be going backwards – continuing to subsidize dirty coal and discouraging those of us trying to do the right thing – I guess I’d be cynical if I said it was all about money for large corporate dirty industries that donate a heap of money to political parties. We must write to our local MPs and media and not take this lying down. It is simply wrong.
It seems that Federal / State & Labour / Liberal governments are actively withdrawing from solar energy support. As a Victorian that planned to sign up next week I am thinking very hard about the sanity in doing so. The Vic Liberals, like their NSW counterparts inherited a broken financial situation and may make similar changes. All politicians should ensure that good faith is maintained for all existing contract holders even if economic forces without retrospective changes undermining voters financial planning decisions.
There must be around 100,000 customers adversly affected by this. A $2 donation by each one would surely go a long way towards funding legal action.
Politicians love to talk about mandates, they had no mandate to do this. I will support a class action. I borrowed to put in my system and cannot afford it at the lower price.
Count me in on a class action. We borrowed to do this. We signed a contract. Apparently it is only binding to those who cant afford the legals.
Is there not a constitutional issue here as well? Under section 51 of the Australian constitution a government is able to acquire a person’s property but only on just terms – ala The Castle. Has not the State Goverment constructively acquired my contractual right to receive 20c/kwh out of the 60c/kwh by deciding not to pay it? If so they can only do so on just terms ie pay compensation. If this is right (and I am no lawyer) then any law they pass to avoid havig to pay compensation would be invalid as the constitution applys to all state legislation and takes precedance where there is an inconsistancy.
For those interested in participating in a class action please see the solar energy industry association website at
This is a disgusting grab for cash by this Government. I guess we only have ourselves to blame for voting them in on good faith, despite the absence of policies into the election.
The 60c feed-in tariff is guaranteed until 31 December 2016 under the “Electricity Supply Amendment (Solar Bonus Scheme) Act 2009”.
To retrospectively reduce the tariff can ONLY be done if they change or repeal the legislation. This can ONLY be done with the approval of both houses of State parliament. This means they need the support of the shooters/fishers and the Fred Nile representatives in the upper house. Start writing letters, people!
can’t believe fred nile is going for the compromise ie reduce it to 3 yrs from the remaining 6…it is such a simple issue….keep the terms of the contract otherwise it’s legalised robbery!
This is an immoral and disgusting proposal. All who disagree with it should take direct action and register/show their objection in the strongest manner.
“-As mentioned above, Solar Choice and partners in the industry looking into initiating legal action agains the state government for this potential breach, and in order to ensure security for the investments of those who signed up for the scheme under the 60c feed-in tariff.”
I’m sure if you do you will have over 100000 Solar Industry customers signing up for the class action- this immoral government decision is an attack on very ordinary everyday Australians who made an decision based on the fact that they had to borrow money to fund the purchase and installation.
We also looked into the figures carefully and extended our mortgage by $43000 thinking it was possible for us to contribute something to green energy production (with a large north facing roof) while benefiting down the track from reduced energy costs. We are only medium to low income earners and have a large mortgage so any change from what we signed up for will affect us terribly – my husband is really worried and upset. We entered a contract in good faith and a change of government should not mean breaking any commitments made under the previous government.
Apparently when you decide retrospectively that you don’t like the conditions you agree to in a Contract you can just change it to suit yourself!
Strangely I don’t remember any pre-election mention of this.
Can I assume that my repayments will also be cut by a third!
We were all convinced by the NSW government to put in systems and signed on to the governments conditions!
You get what you vote for. You didn’t have to be Einstien to work out this was going to happen under this government. Keen for more information on the class action as i’d like to get some of my $40000 back.
One thing we should all be content with, no matter what the tarriff is, is that we’re making a difference and will continue to do so for many many years to come. I doubt many of those government politicians are contributing to the future of the planet the way we are.
You just can’t trust anything any government does and this should be a lesson to us all . The companies that set themselves up to do the pink batts got burnt in the end by trusting the government and now it looks like the solar companies are going to get done over as well. It doesn’t matter which flavour of government are in, federal or state. They are all as bad as each other.
In this case, because it doesn’t affect the majority of people I expect only those affected to care. It will therefore probably become a fait accompli. Fight to the end though!
What a joke, it seems that the gov’t has no problem spending the millions it makes via the coal industry, but it cannot ensure that renewable energy options remain affordable for everybody. The gov’t is also forgetting that it’s saving money on building new power stations, due to the feed-in of solar systems. I think that most people didn’t join the scheme to make money, but for an opportunity to be more environmentally friendly. At 60c, it allows the system to return the investment in a reasonable time (just like any investment), and that was the scheme we signed up for. The solar industry needs stability, which is ultimately dependent on investment from participants in the scheme. Maybe a class action is on the cards, thankyou.
And we couldn’t wait to be rid of the previous labour government, all for this piece of crap!!!
What has been proposed IS illegal and immoral.
This liberal government should be ashamed of themselves.
Liars, no difference between this decision and the decision to bring in a carbon tax by your opposition leader.
You are one and the same.
This decision will certainly be remembered at the next election!!
Please remove my email address from your website. I did not intend it to be published when I left my email. Thank you.
Hi Nellie,
I’ve removed your email address from both your posts. Thanks for commenting.
I intend to seek legal advice immediately.
I too am disgusted with what the new government is going to do, yes they should be sued for breach of contract. We have laid out money for a 1.6kw system on the promise of a 60c rebate,
factoring in how long it would take to pay of the system. Doing our bit for the environment. Funny how the government is making us look bad to non solar tax payers by saying that ‘they’ are paying for our tariffs.
I am happy to join everybody in this case.
This decision is certainly immoral. I don’t understand why it’s not illegal.
I installed solar based on considerable research into the cost versus payback benefits of the system. At 60c it was financially viable for me to cough up the $15k to install a system. At 40c my decision would certainly have been different. I carefully read the terms and conditions of the scheme and concluded that the 60c return was guaranteed for 7 years (from 2010). Did I misread the conditions?
If the (then) NSW govt made a “mistake” with the terms of the offer, that should in itself not constitute a retrospective and substantive change to the contract!
Only this week the major supermarkets were fined heavily for mislabelling fruit. A NSW Government Authority has decided that the food giants should pay for their mistakes. Yet the NSW Govt are now cowering from their own mistakes (or at least the mistakes from their predecessors) and demanding that the public pays instead.
This is not right. It is not moral. It surely must be illegal.
Exactly what am I missing here?
What an utter disgrace.
We sign at .60c A CONTRACT and are now told the contract is invalid.
A joke.
What an absolute waste of taxpayers money, once the scheme went way over there budget labour changed the rules to limit the damage, now we taxpayers pay for the subsidies! Why liberal or labour don,t they make it more attractive to install pv solar power to all homes across australia? They could start by making it compulsary to install pv solar power on all new homes? Set a minimum size kw output compared to the size of the house?
Question? Who did the gov employ to work out the scheme in the first place? 60c kw is the best rate in the developed world even higher than any eu green country!
Heads should roll! First batts, solar power and building the schools revolution what next ? Digital set top boxes for the elderly?
Can they break contract just they don’t want to continue contract which already signed? I reckon we should retrospectively cut all parliamentary salaries.
Our family is not a wealthy one. We are just ordinary battling Australians, like most of the people in regional NSW and Western Sydney who took up the offer. It was a huge decision on our part to remove $10,000 from our account and invest in solar panels. We did it good faith that the government would hold up to their side of their bargain. We would never have been making “the windfall” that Mr Hartcher speaks of. It was going to take us at least 5 years to get our investment back, and with the electricity price increasing several times since then, we knew it was going to take us much longer. Now we think that it will never be paid for and we think that we made a terrible mistake. We installed the panels because we are just ordinary people, and worried that one day, we would not be able to afford electricity at the future rates that people were talking about at the time we made our decision.
Like all the other 100,00 households in NSW that took this huge step we feel betrayed by this government. It took us years to save that money and we wil not have forgotten about our betrayal by this government in 4 years’ time.
Our story is exactly the same as Nellie’s. I can”t believe that the gov can do this. What does a CONTRACT actually mean, if it can be changed so easily and if they can change it to 40c now after only a year and a half of their stated 7 years whats to say that we wont be cut down to 20c next time they decided that they over budgeted.
I propose we retrospectively cut parliamentary salaries to make them affordable for the State. Windfall profiteering by pollies should not be for a select few!
Disgruntled former 60c FiT recipient.