Solar Choice PV Price Index – March 2013

Previous Solar Choice Photovoltaic (PV) Price Indexes for 2013 reveal an industry in transition. Solar PV Prices in January were significantly more expensive than in December 2012, as a result of the early closure of the Solar Credit Scheme on 1 January 2013. The updated installer prices for February show an attempt to continue the downward price trend that has been the industry norm since State and Federal Incentives were introduced.

The PV Price Index for March 2013 reveals a change in approach by many installers. The introduction of higher quality products at the lower end of the price scale, and premium installer options adjusted to reflect real costs at the top, has lead to higher system prices in some areas of the Price Index. However, rising demand in Queensland and increasing STC Values, have lead to lower prices in other areas. What may become evident as 2013 progresses is how installers will deal with future reductions in Federal incentives.

Going forward, the solar industry may have a brief reprieve from the policy roller coster that was 2012. With a Federal election announced for September, it is unlikely that any decisions that could potentially alienate voters with be pushed forward, both parties will be looking to placate both pro and anti solar camps. Indeed, the recommended threshold reduction for Small-scale Technology Certificates from 100kW to 10kW, expected soon after the Government came back from the summer break in early February, seems to have shelved for the time being.

Cost of installed solar PV systems by city and system size

The average price for a fully installed 1.5kW solar PV system has risen for all cities listed in our comparison other than Brisbane, which showed a slight decrease. This may be as a result of the approaching installation deadline for households who applied and were awarded the 44¢ feed-in tariff, applications for the tariff itself closed on 9 July 2012. In the 2kW category, Queensland shows a decrease in the average system price. Melbourne and Perth average system prices have lowered by $30 and $80 respectively. System prices rose marginally in Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart and Sydney at the 2kW size.

Qualitative feedback from Solar Choice brokers, in addition to data on minimum and maximum system prices, indicates that installers have updated the components offered in their PV systems deals.

Solar Choice: Average Solar PV System Prices – March 2013
1.5kW 2kW 3kW 4kW 5kW
Adelaide, SA $3,950.50 $4,763.00 $6,304.25 $8,163.00 $9,500.38
Brisbane, QLD $3,851.88 $4,752.88 $6,367.13 $8,303.00 $9,755.50
Canberra, ACT $4,194.98 $5,006.28 $6,831.10 $8,772.58 $10,225.30
Hobart, TAZ $4,484.25 $5,598.75 $6,904.75 $9,393.25 $10,704.75
Melbourne,VIC $4,096.22 $4,737.22 $6,555.44 $8,529.00 $9,834.00
Sydney, NSW $3,684.98 $4,407.94 $5,674.81 $7,745.28 $9,076.38
Perth, WA $3,408.33 $4,338.33 $5,781.33 $7,929.67 $9,311.00
All $3,953.12 $4,800.61 $6,345.61 $8,405.16 $9,772.58

*Includes STC discount

Once the system size reaches 3kW, a downward trend remerges for prices on an Australia-wide basis. However, closer examination reveals that the decrease is not across the board but is location-specific. Solar PV prices in Canberra and Hobart have risen for all system sizes, while other cities show a mixed offering. Perth and Brisbane have performed best overall, Brisbane solar prices are down across the board, and Perth prices have decreased from 2kW and above. The lowest cost solar PV is in Perth, while Hobart has the highest system prices.

Solar Choice: Average Cost per Watt – March 2013
1.5kW 2kW 3kW 4kW 5kW
Adelaide, SA $2.63 $2.38 $2.10 $2.04 $1.90
Brisbane, QLD $2.57 $2.38 $2.12 $2.08 $1.95
Canberra, ACT $2.80 $2.50 $2.28 $2.19 $2.05
Hobart, TAZ $2.99 $2.80 $2.30 $2.35 $2.14
Melbourne,VIC $2.73 $2.37 $2.19 $2.13 $1.97
Sydney, NSW $2.46 $2.20 $1.89 $1.94 $1.82
Perth, WA $2.27 $2.17 $1.93 $1.98 $1.86
All $2.64 $2.40 $2.12 $2.10 $1.95

*Includes STC discount

Replicating the data shown in the ‘Average Solar PV System Prices’ table, the average cost per watt is up for 1.5kW and 2kW systems and down for 3kW, 4kW and 5kW solar PV systems. 5kW solar PV systems continue to provide the lowest cost per watt, at $1.95.

 Solar PV System Prices – minimum and maximum

The increase in 1.5kW prices is a knock-on effect of the increase in both minimum and maximum system costs. The minimum price for a 1.5kW system has risen by $124, the premium system cost has risen by $400. When comparing the panels and inverter offered at the beginning of February with those on offer at the beginning of March, products from better-established manufacturers are now being used  in the lowest cost systems, the premium system costs have been adjusted in line with the ‘real’ cost of solar PV – the cost of solar now that the Solar Credit Scheme has ended.

Solar Choice: Solar System Prices – March 2013
1.5kW 2kW 3kW 4kW 5kW
Min $2,299.00 $3,450.00 $4,250.00 $6,570.00 $7,750.00
Max $6,585.00 $8,185.00 $9,385.00 $11,785.00 $12,990.00

 *Includes STC discount

There has been a slight decrease in the minimum price in the 2kW category. However, a significant increase at the premium end of the market has resulted in an increase in the average price of 2kW system. A decrease at the lower end of the 3kW price scale has gone some way towards cancelling out a rise at the premium end. The decrease in the average cost of both 4kW and 5kW systems cannot be explained by the minimum and maximum figures, as both having risen significantly.

Average STC Value

The average STC value has risen for the third consecutive month, and is now over $29 across all system sizes. Brisbane has the highest STC prices, $30 per STC for 3kW, 4kW and 5kW systems, and market value for 1.5kW and 2kW systems (this figure is listed on the Clean Energy Council (CEC) website and updated regularly). The CEC spot price has recently been hovering around $33 per STC. Canberra has the lowest STC price on offer, this may go some way to explaining the higher system prices here.

Solar Choice: Average REC Value – March 2013
1.5kW 2kW 3kW 4kW 5kW
Adelaide, SA $30.75 $30.75 $30.50 $30.00 $28.83
Brisbane, QLD Market Value Market Value $30.00 $30.00 $30.00
Canberra, ACT $29.25 $29.25 $29.50 $29.50 $29.50
Hobart, TAZ $29.75 $29.75 $29.75 $29.75 $29.75
Melbourne,VIC $30.88 $30.88 $29.83 $30.88 $29.63
Sydney, NSW $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00
Perth, WA $26.50 $26.50 $26.50 $26.50 $26.50
All $29.52 $29.52 $29.44 $29.52 $29.17

The maximum and minimum figures updated in the February PV Price Index, have remained the same. The best price on offer is $34 or Market Value, the lowest price on offer is $25. The STC value does not appear to be affected by system size, both the minimum and maximum prices sitting around the middle of the system cost table.

Australia is divided into a number of REC Zones and the STCs are allocated on this basis, regions that receive a great number of sunshine hours (such as Far North Queensland) are allocated a greater number of STCs, whilst those in less sun-blessed areas (such as Victoria and Tasmania) receive fewer. STCs offer customers a means to offsetting the upfront cost of their solar PV system based on the likely output over a 15 year period. STCs are one part of the Renewable Energy Target (RET); ‘liable entities’ are obliged to purchase and surrender a certain number of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) every year, with the total number of RECs required to meet the target increasing annually.

About Solar Choice and this report

The data contained in this report is generated from Solar Choice’s Australia-wide network of installers, and provides a monthly update on the price of solar PV in and around Australia’s main cities (excluding Darwin). In addition to the cost of solar PV, the report also includes variations in the price of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

Solar Choice has helped over 55,000 Australian households make a well-informed choice of solar power installer. With over 100 of Australia’s top  installers on the Solar Choice network, Solar Choice is able to provide free and impartial Solar Quote Comparisons for customers across the country. The Solar Choice Commercial Tender Management Team have worked on a wide range of commercial-scale solar PV projects throughout Australia, including solar farms and utility-scale solar PV plants.

© 2013 Solar Choice Pty Ltd


  1. I want to set up 2kw solar system for my home. plz let me know how much capital expenditure for this mini project…..

    1. Hi Susant,

      Thanks for commenting. You can see solar installation prices in the article above. The exact cost would depend on where you are located and which installer you’re dealing with. You can receive a free, detailed comparison of solar installer offerings (including prices) in your area by filling out the Solar Quote Comparison request form on the right of this page.

      Best of luck.

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