Residential Solar PV Price Index – April 2017

Average residential solar system prices for April 2017 have crept to a fresh low of $1.57 per watt ($1.57/W) – slightly lower than March‘s average of $1.58/W but in keeping with the (very) gradual decline that we’ve been witnessing since the beginning of 2017. Average prices for 3kW, 4kW and 5kW solar systems also hit record benchmarks this month, at $1.51/W, $1.37/W and $1.26/W, respectively.

Average solar PV system prices for April 2017

Prices in the table below include both the up-front incentive available for small-scale systems through the Renewable Energy Target and GST – they represent the total retail cost of the system to the customer. We’ve left fields blank where there were only a small number of price points available in our database (usually less than 3).

Average solar system prices overview April 2017

Prices for each system size are colour-coded. (Dark red for highest, dark green for lowest, yellow for middle.)

Solar system prices for March: $/W medians, highs & lows

Average solar system prices per watt overview April 2017 updated


Prices above are colour-coded across highs, lows & medians for all cities and system sizes. (Dark red for highest, dark green for lowest, yellow for middle.)

Historic solar PV system prices (since August 2012)

The historic pricing in the tables below does not reflect prices for Darwin, NT. See ‘About this data’ footnote below for a more detailed description of where this data comes from and what it represents.

1-5kW solar system prices April 2017 2kW solar system prices April 2017 3kW solar system prices April 2017 4kW solar system prices April 2017 5kW solar system prices April 2017 10kW solar system prices April 2017

All $/W solar system prices (Historic)

The chart below provides an at-a-glance look at solar PV system pricing trends since August 2012. Data points are the average of average $/W for each system size (1.5kW-5kW until Nov 2013, then also including 10kW from Dec 2013).

Residential solar system prices all sizes April 2017


(N.b. Please see note about ‘Solar Choice Discount’ in January 2016 edition of the PV Price Index.)

About this data

Tables and charts included in this article were compiled using data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, which contains regularly-updated pricing and product details from over 100 solar installation companies across Australia. Prices do not ordinarily incorporate meter installation fees or additional costs for difficult installations. ‘Premium’ installer offerings are excluded from calculations. Pricing data from Darwin is not included any of the charts showing historic trends.

© 2017 Solar Choice Pty Ltd

Jeff Sykes
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