Solar Choice Blog

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Summary table of WA feed in tariff options

WA customers receiving both the residential net feed in tariff as well as the Renewable Energy Buy Back Scheme will have the credit received for each scheme separately itemised on […]

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All Energy Conference in Melb, review

In a previous article (August) Solar Choice highlighted several key conferences that were focusing on renewable energy, and Solar Energy in particular. Improving technology and policy designed to deploy the […]

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Update on ACT Feed-in-Tariff

Previously Iain McGregor talked about the commercial feed in tariff for the ACT, there were some updates and more details to add to the story. […]

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ACT Announces Commercial Feed-In Tariff

The ACT government has announced the first large scale feed in tariff in Australia. The scheme puts ACT in the premier position for investment in medium and large scale solar […]

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Solar Energy Industry Reports with EurObserv’ER

EurObserv’ER Renewable Barometers Europe is the world-leader for renewable energy use. If you’re interested in keeping an eye on the installed renewable energy generation capacity there, the EurObserv’ER website is […]

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Recap: Who is truly advocating Solar Power?

As election day draws closer, the three different camps are going to be talking about each others policies and how they are trying to keep the best interests of the […]

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Frequently Asked Questions!

We get asked a lot of questions and sometimes the answers just remain on the page of the article and it is hard for others to keep track of them, […]

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Solar Conferences Coming Up!

There are a lot of influential people talking about Solar Power and they will all engage in progressive and hopefully productive discussions over the course of the following conferences: […]

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Victoria to get serious about Solar Power!

Victoria is a state that is blessed with great wind sites and currently has 300 megawatts of wind power in operation. With a further 1000 megawatts of wind being approved […]

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Solyndra’s revolutionary Solar Panel Tubes!

Every day solar panel companies are patenting technologies that keep them ahead of the technology curve. One of the recent additions to the front of this curve is Solyndra‘s solar […]

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Sunny Boy visits Solar Choice

Solar Choice is committed to expanding our knowledge base, and sharing that culture of knowledge with you. While we work with a wide range of installers who use a wide […]

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Solar Panels on your roof and where else?

This week we’ll take a brief look at the versatility of solar power and what people are doing with their photovoltaic panels. This first segment will take a look at […]

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The Enhanced Renewable Energy Target

The enhanced Renewable Energy Target (eRET) legislation has been passed by the Australian Parliament. It is projected to unlock between $20-25 billion in investment and create thousands of jobs. […]

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Solar Panels and Smart-Grids!

What really are Smart Grids, what is Australia doing about it and what does it mean for the solar panels installed on your roof? […]

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