Solar Choice Blog

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$4 billion in coal subsidies in NSW?

The Auditor-General of NSW released a report today condemning the previous Labour government’s implementation of the Solar Bonus Feed-in Tariff Scheme, which became political hotpoint last year when it was […]

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Samil Power Inverters in Australia

    Samil Power is a solar inverter manufacturer with production plants in China and sales offices in Australia, Germany, UK, Italy, France, USA and China. The company specialises in all […]

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The future of the Queensland Solar Feed-in Tariff

Update 25 June 2012: The Queensland Solar Bonus Feed-in Tariff scheme will be reduced from 44c/kWh to 8c/kWh. Applications to connect to the grid must be submitted by midnight 9 July 2012. […]

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SunPower Solar Panels in Australia

    The world record for solar panel efficiency goes to SunPower‘s solar panels: 24% cell efficiency (sunlight  –> usable electricity in laboratory conditions) and 19.6% conversion efficiency (sunlight –> […]

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Solar Choice at Sustainable House Day 2011

Sustainable House Day (SHD) has taken place every September since 2001. 2010 saw a record 272 homes open their doors to SHD volunteers and over 40,000 local community members with […]

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