Solar Choice Blog

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Most Efficient Solar Panels in Australia

  Once you have decided to install a residential solar system to power your home, and maybe even your electric car, you have a few other important decisions to make. […]

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Origin Feed In Tariffs Explained

Origin Energy Feed In Tariff Banner Image

Origin Energy is Australia’s largest electricity retailer, servicing around a quarter of the residential electricity market. Though you may not know that Origin Energy is a relatively young company – […]

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LG to Close Down Solar Panel Business

In an astonishing move LG have decided to close down their solar panel business to focus on other aspects of the energy market. The decision was made by the company’s […]

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10 Greenest Energy Providers in Australia

10 greenest electricity providers banner image

The availability of renewable energy sourced from solar, wind and hydro is rapidly increasing right across Australia. At the same time, consumer demand for products that are sourced and produced […]

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Boort Poultry Farm Installs 200kW Solar

A new poultry farm was constructed in 2020 in Boort and is now powered by 200kW of solar panels. Solar Choice have partnered with Santrev, Australia’s leading poultry shed builder, […]

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Solar Panel Prices Hike Over 30% in October 2021

The ‘solarcoaster’ cycles of the Australia solar power industry are an economists dream and a solar business owners worst nightmare. The latest challenge for the industry to hurdle is the […]

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Solar Analytics Plan Optimiser Demo and Review

Looking for our review of Solar Analytics Solar Monitoring? – click here. There are many comparison sites out there but electricity retailers are experts in making their plans difficult to […]

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