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Solar panels in Perth, WA: Compare prices & installers

Solar panels are a popular investment option for Perth homes and businesses, even without a strong state-sponsored feed-in tariff. Because of the high cost of electricity across Western Australia, the business case […]

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NSW electricity prices to even out in 2013-2014

After 2 years of dramatic hikes, NSW electricity prices are likely to start to cool off, according to a draft report by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). IPART […]

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Australia hits 1 million solar homes

The number of Australian homes that have installed a solar photovoltaic (PV) system surpassed the 1 million mark in March, according to the Clean Energy Regulator. This milestone, while not […]

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What is the future of Tasmania’s Solar Feed-in Tariff?

Recent developments in Tasmania have resulted in speculation that the state’s solar feed-in tariff incentive–currently among the most generous in all of Australia–will be reduced following the sell-off of state-owned […]

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Solar Choice PV Price Index–April 2013

Solar photovoltaic (PV) system prices at the beginning of April 2013 are on average lower than they were for the previous month. However, further examination of figures from each of […]

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Enphase microinverters in Australia

Enphase was the world’s first microinverter manufacturer, having pioneered the technology as a solution to some of the typical problems and inefficiencies that afflict solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Since its […]

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Price of solar panels set to rise in 2013

2013 looks to be a year of consolidation and rising solar panel prices, both in Australia and internationally. Solar photovoltaic (PV) system installation prices have fallen dramatically since only a […]

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South Australia’s solar panel success story

South Australia is Australia’s renewable energy leader in terms of per-capita power generation. Although wind power, accounting for over 20% of the state’s power generation, has clearly had the biggest […]

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Tigo Energy: Power Maximizers for solar PV systems

Tigo Energy provides power optimisation solutions for residential, commercial and utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, allowing owners to get the most of their solar power systems. The company was formed […]

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Solar Choice PV Price Index – March 2013

Previous Solar Choice Photovoltaic (PV) Price Indexes for 2013 reveal an industry in transition. Solar PV Prices in January were significantly more expensive than in December 2012, as a result of the […]

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100% Renewables celebrates solar BBQ success

Solar-powered homes across the country were the setting for Australia’s first ever Summer Solar BBQs. Attended by MPs, councillors and local solar installers, as well as solar owners and members […]

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