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$400m to be invested in off-grid renewables by 2018: ARENA

Australia’s clean energy investment body–the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) announced a $400 million fund for off-grid and ‘fringe-of-grid’ communities. The purpose of the fund–in addition to driving investment in […]

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Solar PV Price Index–June 2013

Average solar PV system prices for the 7 Australian cities included in the PV Price Check have more or less held steady since the previous month, May 2013. The June […]

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Are solar panels worth it in Perth, WA?

With incentives having changed significantly both nationally and on the state level, many of those who are considering going solar ask themselves the question: “Is a solar system still worth […]

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Solar PV Price Index–May 2013

The average price for installing a solar system at the beginning of May 2013 is down slightly from the previous month. System prices in Sydney, despite having risen slightly on […]

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Compare solar power deals in Geraldton, WA

Why is Geraldton, Western Australia a good location for a solar photovoltaic (PV) system? Rising electricity prices are driving interest amongst home and business owners around the country in solar panels–Geraldton is […]

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Find the best solar PV deals in Albany, WA

With electricity prices rising and solar system prices falling, Albany, Western Australia is a good place to install a solar PV system. Solar Choice is here to help our customers compare installers, […]

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iEnergy microinverters in Australia

iEnergy is a power optimisation and power conversion product manufacturer whose microinverters have been available on the Australian market since the end of 2012. Microinverters have been growing in popularity […]

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