Solar Choice Blog

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Solar modules set to get smarter in 2014

While no one argues that investing in PV modules isn’t a smart move today, it won’t be long before we start asking if our modules are just as smart – […]

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Nitin Nampalli: Solar Choice News Technology Analyst

Solar Choice welcomes Nitin Nampalli as its newest contributor to the company’s news service, Solar Choice News. Nitin, a PhD candidate researching solar photovoltaics at the University of New South Wales, […]

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ARENA announces 2 solar winners

The Australian solar industry has scored two new wins with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) announcing plans boost Australian solar research and development, and a University NSW team taking out […]

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Solar PV Price Index–Jan 2014

At the start of 2014, solar PV system prices are up in Canberra and steady in other capital cities, except among 1.5kW solar systems. Although included for all other cities as per […]

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