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Gum-like electrolyte makes Li-ion batteries safer

An icky-sticky wad of chewing gum under your shoe is definitely annoying, but what makes gum sticky may soon keep your laptop or grid storage battery from exploding. Researchers at Washington […]

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Solar power for Chernobyl exclusion zone

Chernobyl is notorious as the site of the world’s worst nuclear power disaster. The 1986 explosion and meltdown in the Ukraine released vast quantities or radiation over the USSR and […]

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China cuts back on coal fired energy

Anyone who is part of Australia’s resource boom would have you believe that our nation’s future rides on the back of our abundant coal resources and indeed, recent submission to […]

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Taking a punt with solar thermal

In February 2014, the largest solar thermal power station in the world came on line, the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility. Erected in the Mojave desert just 64kms from Las Vegas, […]

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Solar PV Price Index–February 2014

Average prices for systems of all common sizes included (1.5kW-10kW) in almost all cities have increased this month, with 1.5kW systems rising the most. Systems in Canberra appeared to undergo a decrease […]

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