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Shady Deals at MIT a Benefit to Solar PV

A team of students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has won US$225,000 for developing an integrated chip that can recover up to twice as much wasted energy from […]

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Commercial PV Price Index – June 2014

Solar Choice’s Commercial PV Price Index is published monthly to provide a glimpse into national pricing trends among solar systems 10kW-100kW in capacity in Australia’s major cities, and as a complement […]

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Solar PV Price Index – June 2014

On the whole, system prices fell slightly between May and June. 1.5kW system prices look more or less steady across the board, while average pricing for 4kW, 5kW and 10kW […]

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Rooftop solar continues to grow in Queensland

Queensland‘s rooftop solar rush continues unabated, with the addition of 3,687 PV systems in May adding 16.2MW of new solar capacity to the grid. According to metering figures from Energex, solar […]

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