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Solar energy storage in Victoria

Interest in battery storage for solar power is growing rapidly in Australia – which has been described as ‘ground zero for energy storage’. What is the attractiveness of energy storage for […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: July 2015

Commercial solar system prices for July 2015 remain steady at around $1.44 per watt ($/W) on average. 10kW solar system prices continue the gradual rise that began about three months […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index: July 2015

The average solar PV system price nationally continues to sit at about $1.85 per watt for the third month in a row, with prices for specific system sizes also remaining […]

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Solar system prices in Brisbane, Queensland

Approximately one quarter of households in Brisbane proper have a solar power system, according to the APVI’s solar map; the suburbs surrounding Brisbane have even higher solar penetrations. The number of systems […]

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