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Giant Power residential battery storage solutions

Giant Power is a Sunshine Coast-based battery energy storage system wholesaler specialising in grid-connected, ‘hybrid’ solar-plus-battery solutions as well as conventional off-grid systems. The company has been supplying solar panels, […]

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Solar-plus-battery storage in Brisbane

In some suburbs of the greater Brisbane area, nearly 50% of residential roofs are equipped with solar panels – among the highest rates in the country. Many of these homes […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: August 2015

This month Solar Choice upgraded its price reporting functionality to encompass a larger number of commercial installers – with interesting results. While average prices now appear as higher for 30kW, 50kW […]

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WINAICO Solar listed as tier 1 by BNEF

Industry analysts at Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) have classified WINAICO a tier 1 solar module manufacturer in their most recent PV Market Outlook report. Although the listing does not […]

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