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GoodWe inverters in Australia

GoodWe is a manufacturer of inverters whose products are used in residential and commercial solar PV systems Australia-wide. This article provides an overview of the company’s Australian product catalogue – […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index: February 2016

Average prices for commercial-scale solar PV system installations have remained largely unchanged between this month and last, according to figures from Solar Choice’s installer network database. Commercial solar system prices […]

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Residential solar PV price index – February 2016

Average solar PV system installation prices for Australia have risen for the 2rd month running, according to data from Solar Choice’s installer network database. The average price per watt for […]

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SMA introduces inverter suited for Powerwall retrofits

Inverter manufacturer SMA has introduced a simple but sophisticated inverter that works with Tesla’s Powerwall and other high-voltage battery banks. The company’s new ‘Sunny Boy Storage’ is a single-phase battery […]

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