Solar Choice Blog

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Solar for Schools

Solar Choice is experienced in School Projects “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school” Albert Einstein Schools possess Australia’s next generation of bright […]

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Total Facilities 2019

Solar Choice have been regular visitors and exhibitors at a number of renewable energy conferences such as Smart Energy and Australian Energy Storage , however last week we tried our hands at something new. […]

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PV Performance Checker

“These days, solar panels are a commonsense investment decision for virtually any Australian home with a roof and a bit of daytime electricity usage.” – SolarChoice – One of the […]

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Solar Choice experienced in Poultry Farm projects

    Technology has driven poultry farming to a highly automated and computerised practice, enabling significant increases in the output for farmers. This has also dramatically increased the energy costs […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index for February 2019

Changes in the composition of Solar Choice’s commercial solar installer network, combined with price updates from several companies have resulted in a slight upwards shift in average dollar per watt […]

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