Is An Off Grid Solar System Worth It?

Solar systems in Australia have become more popular over the last 10 years, mostly due to the price of renewable energy dropping materially. It comes to no surprise that some […]

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Western Power to take customers Off Grid

  What does the “distributed” and “democratised” future of electricity look like? And how will the transition unfold given the huge sums of money already invested in the status quo? […]

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A Virtual Power Plant case study: Vermont USA

As Solar Choice is currently undertaking the early stage preparations and structuring for a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) that can be made available for household, commercial and government premises across […]

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The biggest barrier to microgrids

The establishment of viable business cases for different applications is the main barrier to the continued uptake of microgrids in Australia, according to Greg Allen, Executive General Manager, Carnegie Clean Energy.  Mr […]

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