Solar Choice Blog

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Battery Storage Price Index – November 2019

Solar Choice has previously been publishing average solar PV system prices on a monthly basis since August 2012 in our Solar PV Price Index, which focused on household solar prices […]

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Western Power to take customers Off Grid

  What does the “distributed” and “democratised” future of electricity look like? And how will the transition unfold given the huge sums of money already invested in the status quo? […]

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SRD Kitchens installs 30kW Solar PV

SRD Kitchens are a Newcastle based, family owned and operated, manufacturer and retailer of flat pack kitchens. Solar Choice were contacted by the business owner to initially perform a feasibility […]

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ACT passes 100% renewable target

  The Australian Capital Territory is now officially sourcing the equivalent of all of its electricity needs from renewable energy resources, with supply from the 109MW Hornsdale 3 wind farm […]

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SA unveils plans for 100% hydrogen economy

South Australia has unveiled plans for a 100 per cent renewable hydrogen economy, a move the state Liberal government says will boost the economy and future jobs opportunities. The plan, unveiled […]

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Solar Choice & Make it Cheaper

Make it Cheaper Referral Form   Compare quotes from leading commercial installers     About Solar Choice: Solar Choice specialises in impartially advising businesses through the procurement process ensuring the […]

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Solar Choice brokers 80kW Solar PV for Kimbriki RRC

Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre was originally established as a landfill in 1974. In 1989-90, resource recovery operations commenced on site and Kimbriki became a Recycling and Waste Disposal Centre. Kimbriki […]

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AEMO halves output from five solar farms

The Australian Energy Market Operator has cited issues of “system strength,” after slashing in half the allowable output from five solar farms in Victoria and NSW. The solar farms – […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index for August 2019

With heavy activity in Victoria and shifts in solar technology to half cut solar modules,  price updates from several companies have resulted in a slight upwards shift in average dollar […]

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Australians climate change fears

A record number of Australians are linking climate change to the increased rate and severity of natural disasters, including extended droughts, a new report has found. The Australia Institute’s Climate […]

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Home storage to be taken over by EV’s?

Electric vehicles will become a key asset for the Australia’s energy market operator to manage the grid, and could even make home batteries redundant in the long-term, an industry insider […]

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Pay-as-you-feel restaurant go solar

Lentil As Anything restaurants and grocery stores have no set prices. Anyone is welcome to go for a meal and contribute in any way they can which ensures everyone leaves […]

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