Solar Choice Blog

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – July 2020

Average residential solar system prices have slightly increased to $1.05 per watt ($/W) this month on the back of several factors, including changes to the composition of the Solar Choice […]

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An Update On The Victorian Solar Rebate

Victorian Solar Rebate

In this article we examine the Victorian Solar Rebate Scheme, how it works, eligibility, initial problems that plagued the scheme, and an update for June 2020. A Brief Overview/History On […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – June 2020

Average residential solar system prices have remained constant $1.04 per watt ($/W) this month on the back of several factors, including changes to the composition of the Solar Choice installer […]

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Solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

Note: Solar Choice is an independent expert in Solar PPAs with experience advising businesses across commercial solar projects and utility-scale solar farms. The difference between a Corporate Solar PPA and […]

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Solar Panels Bendigo: Compare costs & installers

Data from the Australian Photovoltaic Institute finds that 15.3% of dwellings in Bendigo already have solar panels installed, with the majority of those being residential installs under 10kW in capacity. […]

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Battery Storage Price Index – May 2020

Solar Choice has previously been publishing average solar PV system prices on a monthly basis since August 2012 in our Solar PV Price Index, which focused on household solar prices […]

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Commercial Solar PV Price Index for May 2020

With heavy activity in Victoria and shifts in solar technology to half cut solar modules,  price updates from several companies have resulted in a slight upwards shift in average dollar […]

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Flow Batteries: Explanation and Comparison

Flow batteries are the promise to play a key role in the future as they are a more environmentally sustainable alternative to the current lead acid and lithium ion technologies. […]

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Residential Solar PV Price Index – May 2020

Average residential solar system prices have slightly decreased to $1.04 per watt ($/W) this month on the back of several factors, including changes to the composition of the Solar Choice […]

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