Residential solar PV price index – February 2016

Average solar PV system installation prices for Australia have risen for the 2rd month running, according to data from Solar Choice’s installer network database. The average price per watt for a fully installed residential solar system in Australia currently sits at about $1.67, up from $1.59 in December.

Average solar PV system prices for February 2016

All prices in the table below include the federal STC incentive which installers ordinarily include in final system prices. GST is also included.

Avg residential solar system prices table Feb 2016Solar system prices for February: $/W averages, highs & lows

Avg high low per watt residential solar prices Feb 2016

About STCs

STCs accounted for a price reduction of approximately 78c/W for Zone 3 cities (Sydney, Canberra, Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane), and around 67c/W for Melbourne & Tasmania.

Components used

The table below contains the brands of inverters and solar modules used in installations as listed by installers. ‘Premium’ product offerings are not included.

City Panel brands used Inverter brands used
Adelaide, SA BenQ, Canadian, ET Solar, JA Solar, Hanwha Q-Cells, ReneSola, Simax, SunEd, Trina, Yingli Fronius, ABB/Power-One, Growatt, SMA, SolarMax, Sungrow, Surpass, ZeverSolar
Brisbane, QLD Australia Premium Solar, Canadian, CSun, Jinko, LG, Luxen, Phono,  Hanwha Q-Cells, ReneSola, Risen, SunEd, Suntech, TopSola, Trina, Yingli ABB/Power-One, Fronius, Eltek, JFY, REA, Schneider, SMA, Sungrow, ZeverSolar
Canberra, ACT Jinko, Opal, Phono, Hanwha Q-Cells, ReneSola, SunEd, Trina, Yingli ABB/Power-One, Delta, Fronius, JFY, SMA, Sungrow, ZeverSolar
Melbourne, VIC BLD, Canadian, CSun, Jinko, Hanwha Q-Cells, SolarWorld, SunEd ABB/Power-One, Fronius, Delta, JFY, SMA, Sungrow, ZeverSolar
Tasmania SunEd, Yingli ABB/Power-One, Fronius, SMA, Sungrow
Sydney, NSW Canadian, CSun, Hanwha Solar-One, JA Solar, Jinko, LG, Opal, Phono, Hanwha Q-Cells, ReneSola, SunEd, Trina, Yingli ABB/Power-One, Delta, Fronius, Growatt, Samil, SMA, Sungrow, UNO, ZeverSolar
Perth, WA ET Solar, GuangYe, ReneSolar, TN Solar, Trina GoodWe, SMA, Sungrow

Historic solar PV system prices (since August 2012)

1-5kW residential solar system prices Feb 2016 2kW residential solar system prices Feb 2016 3kW residential solar sytem prices Feb 2016 4kW residential solar system prices Feb 2016 5kW residential soalr system prices Feb 2016 10kW residential solar system prices Feb 2016

All $/W solar system prices (Historic)

The chart below provides an at-a-glance look at solar PV system pricing trends since August 2012. Data points are the average of average $/W for each system size (1.5kW-5kW until Nov 2013, then also including 10kW from Dec 2013).

Avg solar PV system prices all sizes Feb 2016 - NO DISC AJUSTA note about the ‘Solar Choice discount’

From August 2012 until November 2015, calculations for our monthly Residential Solar Price Index articles excluded the discount available through Solar Choice network installers exclusively to Solar Choice customers. From last month we have excluded this figure, which works out to approximately 14c/W in most instances. The chart below retroactively applies this amount to every month since the Price Index’s inception. (N.b. We are planning on fixing this properly in the near future for those who are after more accurate figures, but for the time being the chart below provides a close approximation.)

Avg solar PV system prices all sizes Feb 2016 - DISC ADJAbout this data

Tables and charts included in this article were compiled using data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, which contains regularly-updated pricing and product details from over 100 solar installation companies across Australia. Prices do not ordinarily incorporate meter installation fees or additional costs for difficult installations. The discount available to Solar Choice customers is also excluded from calculations, as are prices for ‘premium’ installer offerings. Except in the final chart, average pricing figures for all of Australia are not weighted.

© 2016 Solar Choice Pty Ltd


  1. I would just like top know how m,uch is a government contributing and how much i need to pay for 3kw and 2 kw unit separately.

    1. Hi Cilka,

      All of the prices you see in the tables in this article include the government incentive and GST – they are the final price. So the prices you see for 2kW and 3kW systems are the rough retail price of each.

      I’ve you’d like to get some quotes specifically for your property, you can fill out the Quote Comparison Request form to the right of this page. By doing so, you’ll be able to compare quotes from installers in your area at a glance. You will also be able to compare battery storage quotes if you’re interested in batteries as well.

      Give us a ring on 1300 78 72 73 if you have any further questions.

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