Residential solar PV price index – April 2016

Average solar PV system prices dropped slightly between March and April of 2016, following a downward trend that started in February. Based on data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, the average price of per watt of a fully installed residential solar system in Australia is about $1.63 (including GST, after STCs).

Average solar PV system prices for April 2016

Prices in the table below include both the up-front incentive available for small-scale systems through the Renewable Energy Target and GST – they represent the total retail cost of the system to the customer.

Residential solar system prices average April 2016

Solar system prices for April: $/W medians, highs & lows

Residential solar system prices high low median April 2016

Historic solar PV system prices (since August 2012)

1-5kW residential solar system prices April 2016 2kW residential solar system prices April 2016 3kW residential solar system prices April 2016 4kW residential solar PV system prices April 2016 5kW residential solar system prices April 2016 10kW residential solar system prices April 2016

All $/W solar system prices (Historic)

The chart below provides an at-a-glance look at solar PV system pricing trends since August 2012. Data points are the average of average $/W for each system size (1.5kW-5kW until Nov 2013, then also including 10kW from Dec 2013).

Residential solar system prices all sizes April 2016

A note about the ‘Solar Choice discount’

From August 2012 until November 2015, calculations for our monthly Residential Solar Price Index articles excluded the discount available through Solar Choice network installers exclusively to Solar Choice customers. From last month we have excluded this figure, which works out to approximately 14c/W in most instances. The chart below retroactively applies this amount to every month since the Price Index’s inception.

Residential solar system prices all sizes discount adj April 2016

About this data

Tables and charts included in this article were compiled using data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, which contains regularly-updated pricing and product details from over 100 solar installation companies across Australia. Prices do not ordinarily incorporate meter installation fees or additional costs for difficult installations. ‘Premium’ installer offerings are excluded from calculations.

© 2016 Solar Choice Pty Ltd

Jeff Sykes
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