Commercial Solar PV Price Index: July 2016

The average price for a commercial solar PV system dropped noticeably between June and July 2016, according to figures from Solar Choice’s installer network database. While prices for each month in the first half of 2016 saw an average of about $1.33, the average price for this month was $1.29 – on par with Dec 2015, which was hitherto the lowest that we’ve witnessed. In this way, the commercial price trend for this month mirrors the residential one, where June prices were on par with December. While 10kW system prices remained more or less level, prices for 30kW, 50kW and 100kW systems came down by several cents per watt (c/W) in nearly all of the cities included in the Index.

Commercial solar system prices (10kW-100kW)

All prices in the tables below include incentives available through the federal Renewable Energy Target as well as GST.

Table 1: Commercial solar PV system prices for July 2016 (average)

Average commercial solar system prices July 2016

Table 2: $/W commercial solar PV system prices for July 2016 (average)

Average commercial solar system prices July 2016

Historic pricing for popular commercial solar system sizes

10kW commercial solar system prices July 2016 30kW commercial solar system prices July 2016 50kW commercial solar system prices July 2016 100kW commercial solar system prices July 2016

Commercial system prices – All system sizes

Commercial all system sizes price index July 2016


A note about the ‘Solar Choice discount’

From May 2014 until October 2015, calculations for our monthly Commercial Solar Price Index articles excluded the discount available through Solar Choice network installers exclusively to Solar Choice customers. From November 2015, however, we have excluded this figure, which works out to approximately 14c/W in most instances. The chart below retroactively applies this amount to every month since the Commercial Price Index’s inception to give a rough idea of how prices have fluctuated historically, but should be seen as an approximation as opposed to a completely accurate representation. (We’ll look into properly applying the actual, listed discounts to the dataset at some point in the near future.)

Commercial solar system prices all sizes July 2016 incl adj

About this data

Tables and charts included in this article were compiled using data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, which contains regularly-updated pricing and product details from over 100 solar installation companies across Australia. Although all pricing calculations do account for federal incentives and GST, they do not incorporate meter installation fees or additional costs, such as ground-mounting or grid connection studies. ‘Premium’ installer offerings are not included in the calculations.

© 2016 Solar Choice Pty Ltd

Jeff Sykes
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