A solar PV installer in the Solar Choice installer network is now offering a 30c/kWh net Solar Feed-in Tariff for New South Wales customers. The offer is applicable to systems of up to 3 kilowatts (kW) in capacity size and will be guaranteed for 3 years. Request a solar quote comparison or give us a ring on 1300 78 72 73 to learn more.
Special promotions through Solar Choice network installers
As an Solar Brokering service, Solar Choice’s role is to impartially assess what is on offer from our installers. Using our experience and knowledge of the market, we ultimately aim to empower our customers to choose a solar power system best suited to their individual circumstances and needs. We do not ‘play favourites’ with installers.
Installers in the Solar Choice installer network often run promotions for our customers to win favour with them, offering added incentives beyond just low prices or sterling service with the intention of swaying the customer to select them over others. Previous, such promotions have ranged from the symbolic (installer will pay your last electricity bill), to the practical (free system components such as monitoring equipment, supermarket vouchers). When an installer runs a promotion that Solar Choice deems noteworthy, we may make a point of bringing this to our customers’ attention. The Feed-in Tariff currently on offer is such a case.
A new NSW Solar Feed-in Tariff comes before a new Solar Bonus Scheme
In a ray of sunshine for NSW residents thinking about installing solar but waiting to see what rate will be offered by the state government next April, one of the installers on the Solar Choice network will be offering a 30c/kWh net Solar Feed-in Tariff for customers who sign up for systems with a capacity of 3kW (3.18 for systems using SunPower solar panels) or smaller. Those who sign up will be paid a rate of 30c for every kWh that they export into the electricity grid. This rate is more generous than any rate currently on offer in Australia’s states and territories with the exception of Queensland, which offers 44c. Should a new state-sponsored Solar Bonus Scheme be introduced in the meantime, customers will be able to reap the benefits of the new rate on top of the 30c rate.
How did this happen?
Since the abrupt halt of the NSW Solar Bonus scheme on 28 April 2011, the only Feed-in Tariffs available in NSW have been voluntary (and often nominal) contributions from the electricity retailers themselves. The pressure in NSW has been palpable, with Greens MP John Kaye even going so far as to predict that the industry would be ‘dead by Christmas’ 2011 due to the sudden and absolute withdrawal of government support. At the same time, the resulting pressure has fostered greater competition and ingenuity amongst those who are still in the race, and the 30c tariff revealed today is a direct result of this necessitated spirit of entrepreneurialism.
Free and impartial advice from Solar Choice
Solar Choice, as Australia’s impartial and cost-free Solar Energy brokering service, is in a unique position to dispassionately evaluate this significant industry development and provide personalised, unbiased advice to our customers. Call us to discuss the solar installer and solar installation options available to you in your part of NSW.
Are you a New South Wales resident interested in going solar to offset your electricity bills? Solar Choice offers free, impartial advice and Solar Quote Comparisons: Our goal is to help you find the system that best suits your needs.
Want to know more about Solar Power in New South Wales first? The following articles might be of interest to you:
– Is solar right for you in NSW?
– Solar Power reaching grid price parity in parts of NSW
Written by James Martin
© 2011 Solar Choice Pty Ltd
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