EnaSolar manufactures a range of solar inverters for the residential solar market. Their inverters are some of the most innovative available on the market, with built-in, comprehensive solar system monitoring capabilities. This enables you, your installer, and the manufacturer to prevent issues in your system from growing into crises. Throughout Australia, Enasolar’s brand and reputation are growing with with each new solar power installation that utilises its products.
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EnaSolar: Solar inverters from NZ

Enasolar is the subsidiary of Enatel, one of New Zealand’s leading technology manufacturers. Enatel has a 25-year history of producing power equipment, including AC-DC battery chargers, rectifiers, and power system supervisory modules. In 2008, the company decided that it had the expertise and resources necessary to design and produce solar inverters for the world, and established EnaSolar as its solar inverter wing.
EnaSolar currently manufactures 4 ‘sizes’ of inverter: 1.5kW, 2.0kW, 3.0kW, and 3.8kW. (4.0kW and 5.0kW inverters will be available by the end of 2011.) All inverters are physically the same dimensions, so the differences lie in the technology contained within.
EnaSolar Solar Inverters: Points of Difference
–Built-in Wi-Fi and statistics-tracking package. This is truly what sets EnaSolar inverters apart from most other inverter maufacturers. All EnaSolar inverters come equipped with built-in Wi-Fi, so web monitoring of your solar power system is possible from anywhere to anyone who has a log-in and password–you, your installer, and even the manufacturer.

The benefits of this feature include:
-You or your installer can see immediately if there is a problem, not just in your inverter, but anywhere in your system. This could save you up to $300/year in call-outs alone.
-Compare current performance with performance from previous years or other periods–identify through monitoring if trees have grown and begun shading your panels, or if your panels have become dirty.
-Cost-saving. There is an industry based on inverter/solar system monitoring. EnaSolar’s built-in monitoring technology means that you don’t need to buy additional components to monitor system output.
-Built-in DC and AC isolating switch–for ease of installation and flexibility in system design. DC electricity is what your panels produce, and AC is what most of the appliances in your home and the power grid uses. An AC/DC isolating switch can be one of the trickiest and most troublesome parts of any solar power installation. Since EnaSolar inverter contains this switch, you can save the time and money it would ordinarily take to install one.
–Low voltage operating range–for greater flexibility in panel array configuration. Many inverters have a set minimum input voltage. This limits options in design because it may require a certain number of panels per ‘string’ in the solar array.
–New Zealand’s only inverter manufacturer–EnaSolar inverters come from a country whose people and standards you can trust, from a company with a 25-year history.
–Simple installation–Enasolar inverters can be installed in minutes. (See a video of an EnaSolar inverter installation.)
–Fully weatherproof–meets IP55 standards against intrusion from liquid and solid materials.
–Front-mounted heat sink–easy to clean and easy to keep bugs and animals out of.
–Lightweight at 15kg–compared to inverters that can weight up to and over 30kg.
–5 year standard warranty–extended warranties are also available on request.
–3 sizes are currently available–1.5kW, 2.0kW, 3.0kW (3.8 available by September 2011, and 4.0kW and 5.0kW to be on the market by the end of the year).
Component standards met/awards
All three models of EnaSolar inverters are certified by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) of Australia, and are on the list of CEC-approved components.
About EnaSolar
-Headquarters and factory-
Christchurch, NZ
-History in the industry’
Enatel has 25 years’ experience manufacturing power electronics components. EnaSolar has been manufacturing inverters since 2008.
“Buy local–why would you ship something from the other side of the world when it’s being made around the corner from you?” — Alan Booth, Business Development Manager, EnaSolar
Written by James Martin
Solar Choice Analyst
© 2011 Solar Choice Pty Ltd
Sources and links:
EnaSolar Brochure (pdf)
EnaSolar inverters datasheet (pdf)
Communication with Alan Booth, EnaSolar Business Development Manager
regarding inverter. model; 3kw serial no 1147370558.
I am based in the UK and have had 5 years of faultless running from your inverters.
Recently3kw serial no 1147370558 has stopped generating and reads NO DC on the panel. The company, ‘Source renewables’ who fitted the inverters are no longer in business.
I have the 10 year extended warranty certificate issued by your selves valid until the 24th Feb 2022. Please let me know how to proceed in order to get it up and running again?
Kind regards . Chris Reed.
Hi Christopher,
We are a brokerage and comparison service and therefore do not hold or provide any products ourselves – and we are not directly associated with EnaSolar (this article is simply an informative piece about their inverters). Have you tried contacting them directly?
I have a friend without internet who has a 3kw solar system with an Ina Inverter which has gone faulty saying no Dc input, it has been checked by a solar trained electrician who said their are DC volts at the inverter and that the inverter is faulty.
Are they repairable if not I live in Mildura Victoria where is the nearest supplier where they can be purchased. the unit is two months out of warranty
Garry Hodson
Hi Garry,
I’d recommend getting in touch with EnaSolar directly (http://www.enasolar.net/). You may also be able to replace the inverter with a different brand depending on what’s available through solar installers and electricians in your area.
Best of luck.
Would like to extend my warranty please. Installed 4.11.2011. Very satified with 3KW Inverter.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for the comment. Our website is an information portal, and as such we regularly publish articles about interesting products & services available here in Australia. We’re glad that you’re happy with your inverter! But I’d recommend getting in touch with EnaSolar directly about extending your warranty – we are not able to help in this regard.
Dear sir/madam. Have a 2kw grid tied inverter that I purchased here in New South Wales about 2years ago do you have a contact here that can come and look at it as I believe it’s still under warranty. Wayne
Hi Wayne,
You can reach EnaSolar on: +64-3-366 4550.
Could you please supply me with Enasolars address and contact number.
Many thanks Alex
Hi Alex,
You can visit the EnaSolar website at http://www.enasolar.net.
Their address is:
66 Treffers Road
Christchurch 8042
New Zealand