Note: This rebate finished in 2013. To read about the current STC scheme which all Adelaide homeowners, landlords and businesses can acess – click here!
Adelaide City’s solar rebate scheme
Making a good investment even better
Adelaide remains one of the best cities in Australia to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system for a number of reasons. Two of these reasons are the South Australian government’s generous Transitional Feed-in Tariff scheme (application deadline: 30 Sept 2013) and the falling cost of installing solar panels globally and across Australia. Even in states where no feed-in tariff incentive exists for new customers (such as NSW), interest in going solar remains high because of soaring electricity prices.
Adelaide City Council’s solar rebate incentive therefore makes going solar in post code areas 5000 and 5006 even more attractive than almost anywhere else in the country at the moment. How does it work?
(Read more: Solar Power in Adelaide)
How the Adelaide solar rebate scheme works
Adelaide city’s rebate (unlike many of the other ‘rebates’ available to those who go solar, actually a misnomer) is quite literally a rebate–after you have paid for a solar PV system and had it installed, you can fill out a form to receive a percentage of the purchase price back.
For homeowners owners:
If you install a solar PV system (minimum 1.5kW in capacity), you can receive 20c for every watt of nominal system capacity (i.e. ‘watt peak’) installed (after other incentives). The maximum rebate that will be paid out is $1000.
For landlords who install solar on a rental property:
Receive 50c for every watt of capacity installed (after other incentives), up to $1000.
For Concession Card Holders:
Receive 50c for every watt of capacity installed (after other incentives), up to $1000.
For installing solar panels to power common areas of apartment buildings:
Receive $1 per watt of capacity installed (after other incentives), up to $5000 or 33% of the total out-of-pocket for the system.
How to apply for the Adelaide solar rebate
If you have installed or intend to install a solar PV system, you must do the following to receive the rebate:
1. Make sure that the project you undertake is for yourself as an Adelaide resident, residential property owner, sporting club, or community organisation.
2. Make sure you understand the eligibility criteria and that quotes for the solar PV system are in line with the criteria for the rebate before having any works carried out. (The full list of eligibility criteria can be found in the Application Form (PDF)).
3. If necessary, get approval from your body corporate or landlord.
4. Obtain Development Approval of Council.
5. Complete, lodge and sign the application with the following:
- Receipts for the supply and installation for your PV system
- Letter of permission from your body corporate (if applicable)
- Electrical Certificates of Compliance (from your solar installer)
- Clean Energy Council Accredited Designer and Installer accreditation number (from your installer)
- Installer AIBS Supplementary Solar PV System Training certificate number (from your installer)
- A copy of your current Commonwealth Concession Card (Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card, if applicable)
- Copy of the current Residential Tenancy Agreement (for landlords installing solar on a rental property, if applicable)
Download: Adelaide City Council Solar Panel Rebate Application Form (PDF).
Looking for a solar installer in Adelaide?
Solar Choice has helped over 105,000 Australian households and hundreds of businesses make an informed decision about going solar.
To receive a free Solar Quote Comparison, fill out the form to the right of this page, or call Solar choice on 1300 78 72 73.
(Top image: Doug Barber, image via Wikipedia)
© 2013 Solar Choice Pty Ltd
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